【SOULCALIBURⅤ TGN30】Quarterfinal Round C Dekopon(HI)vs.Milan(SE)

Clock was young. Too much turtling. That being said, there was some awesome punishing by both players.
Tira almost won against SF who won the tourney. I have hope! makes me think she had what it took for second place!
its TI not HI

just sayin ^^
This match was BEASTLY! Though, I wished other person would've won it [I won't spoil the result], both played very well!


Nov 29, 2011 at 12:27 PM
Posted by masakarijin
2011年11月19日(土)TGN 30th Night『SOULCALIBURⅤ』Location test Entries 32
At Akihabara Clark studio
Commentary:Tsuno☆Kyou・Usiguchi・Director Odajima

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Quarterfinal Round C Dekopon(HILDE)vs.Milan(SIEGFRIED)
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