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  • Yo Chris, so how'd I just play you at Hubbs house and didn't even know it was you? (I was the Leixia player) I just thought you were a new player startin fresh until Khent told me your forum name. Good games.
    honestly, JG doesn't do a whole lot against her moves if she's not being predictable. 33BB is probably the only thing.
    Yeh and even that's tough as hell to JG the 2nd hit. that move is boss, it hits grounded, safe, and deals hella dmg to guard gauge. i have been able to JG her 66 A,A before too but thats also tough. Guess i need more practice at it. BTW, forgive me but what was ur real name again? U mind if i have ur number to better keep in touch for sessions and such?
    it's Zack. I don't have a cell but if you still want my number i can PM you.
    yo my bad i almost forgot about this... earlier i was learning a new character thats why i never came..but wed is fine wit me i'll be just give me a holla.
    I played his Voldo. I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I tried to adapt. I need to learn the matchups, and what moves are punishable and what not. How do you use the java chat?
    What's up Chris? I'm still in FL. I just got back from my deployment a couple of weeks ago, but I fractured my heel while in transit in Rota, Spain. Our scene in FL is coming together nicely. We had a good session last night and we're gonna try to do it every two weeks. You going to EVO?
    yo its me using the user name the "L" in "play" is really an "i"
    Yo apparently you and I are opponents for the tournament. Psn:juece hit me up man
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