well you like FLCL watch Gunbuster 2, and for better Gunbuster 2 knowledge, watch Gunbuster, both great.
RahXephon.....well naturally Eva, but that's subjective. Platinum Ordian and most importantly Zegapain.
Chrono Crusade, that's too hard it's just an action show with Christian backstory, i love it but there isn't i can say for that. Maybe DNAngel but NO, 15 Bishoujo Hyouryuuki was made by the same guy lol.
TTGL is also for Gunbuster 2
Bokurano, wow NICE choice it was great indeed. Zegapain for this also, not the same or anything but the basics are there. But i mean Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, Eden of the East.
Scrapped is different, it's fantasy but it's much better than most can pull off, i mean classic fantasy Slayers and Lodoss Wars, Lodoss Wars being the BEST, Slayers being MY favorite. also Utawarerumono is really good quality stuff, and currently airing Guin Saga, basically make King from Tekken more badass then ever and put him in a fantasy show. Jyu Oh Sei too.