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  • Hey! I've seen you around in the Viola forums and was wondering if you wanted to spar sometime. Uh, well I have psn and my name is the same as my name here, ninjaguy446. See you around! :)
    hey there, i main viola and would love to see yours in action in some mirror matches. Im writing here becouse of your million and half PSNs :P if you got time and would be willing to waste it on playing me give me a holler at PSN, id is Arragh
    Recently I've only been using Destinizish. That may change, but I'm gonna try to keep it. I'm fine with playing anyone, so if you friend request I'll play with you. Though I haven't been on in a couple days.
    (cant post on com) in reply: I was talking about info for viola. Can ypu post your findings for her in the thread for the guide. I havent even changed the mistakes in it yet. going to use Word document..
    I'll go about random posting in a while. The problem is, there's so much to type up, and I'm always either busy, or using the time to find more. @_@
    I feel the same. I have to much on my mind in my current situation. I'm hoping the guide ends character ignorance.
    You and me need to play online. I want to see what crazy CAS characters you've come up with THIS time.
    Hey broner, hook me up with that sexy phone number of yours. I lost it, got a new phone.
    hey do u mind giving me your number so i dont get lost on phoenix? i have no car so i have to find a way to get from the airport to the hotel. where is that train again?
    I AM alive. Just on the weirdest sleep schedule to have ever existed. And, as a result, have been lurking more than posting. :(
    Oh, and haven't joined chat much. Also, brb, time to take a nap, cause sleep schedule so sad.
    I miss you. :[
    Hello Destinizish! In a recent post in the just guard discussion thread you said that:
    "...a lot of people don't know what step G is, and assume it means stepping then hitting G."
    I always thought that's what step G is, but you don't elaborate any further. So I ask out of genuine curiosity: what, then, is step G?
    ok, so I'm a little confused. you say that step G:
    "It's not exactly just stepping and hitting G"
    but that it's a glitch:
    "in which someone steps and holds G during that step"
    ...what's the difference? waiting for the step to finish, then pressing G vs. holding G -while- the step is occuring?
    I do the latter, but I'm not sure that I understand what you mean fully; and thanks for answering :)
    If you wait for the step to finish, you have simply stepped and guarded. If you hold G while stepping, your step is ended early and you block any step killers, while still stepping the more linear of verticals.
    I see! well the good news is I haven't been doing it wrong :P
    ty for clearing that up :)
    The thread was created solely for users to complain about complaints about the game. I stepped in to voice a different view. The thread was never going to be about anything but a pile-on of hate toward people that don't agree with what Daishi is doing.
    One - I didn't lock the thread. Krit did.

    Two - The thread was created to tell people to stop spamming the same messages to Daishi, and I have to agree considering it has spilled into the forums on more than one occasion. There have been around 10 flamewars there.
    Then my apologies for assuming you locked it. Locking it was definitely a good decision though. Nothing good would have come of it; even if it seemed meaningful, it baits people like me.

    I think Daishi mentioning 8wayrun has made it a target of sorts. Fans that don't like where the series is going know he values this site more than Twitter. I'm only saying what I see there, nothing more.
    I had a message for the thread, but you locked it before I could post it. I'm posting it here because contrary to what I'm sure other users will say about me in the future, I'm not asshole enough to make a thread just to complain. So next profile post is a summary of my final case that I didn't get to make due to the thread being locked.
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