Mr.Nobody Feb 2, 2012 If you start looking at something from the "half-full,half-empty" perspective then there is something clearly wrong....
If you start looking at something from the "half-full,half-empty" perspective then there is something clearly wrong....
Mr.Nobody Dec 31, 2011 Yeah, it's all me baby. Now, give me some sugar and moar beer. And a Happy New Soul Calibur V everybody.
Yeah, it's all me baby. Now, give me some sugar and moar beer. And a Happy New Soul Calibur V everybody.
Mr.Nobody Nov 22, 2011 To each his own, I always say. One man's "wow,that is great!" is another man's " oh crap, that sucks!".
To each his own, I always say. One man's "wow,that is great!" is another man's " oh crap, that sucks!".
Mr.Nobody Aug 17, 2011 If I'm stuck in traffic and I want to stop being Gloomy and be Jolly, I repeatedly bash my head against the steering wheel.
If I'm stuck in traffic and I want to stop being Gloomy and be Jolly, I repeatedly bash my head against the steering wheel.