S_O_F-TYM Jun 2, 2015 Is there a comprehensive movement and oki guide for SCV somewhere? Not some beginner shit but something that breaks down everything.
Is there a comprehensive movement and oki guide for SCV somewhere? Not some beginner shit but something that breaks down everything.
S_O_F-TYM Nov 2, 2013 Played SCV for the first time in ages. Not sure if this Mitsu combo was known but: 3B-6A-6A-6A-6A-6A-3B. 105 points of dmg. UURRAA! :D
Played SCV for the first time in ages. Not sure if this Mitsu combo was known but: 3B-6A-6A-6A-6A-6A-3B. 105 points of dmg. UURRAA! :D
S_O_F-TYM Sep 5, 2013 Had to pay 4 throwing up at a bar... Nice work bouncers, I was passed out at a table 4 at least a half an hour b4 waking up just to puke lol
Had to pay 4 throwing up at a bar... Nice work bouncers, I was passed out at a table 4 at least a half an hour b4 waking up just to puke lol
S_O_F-TYM May 9, 2013 Anyone up for games on EU PSN? I Can't believe the online in this game is literally dead.
S_O_F-TYM May 6, 2013 Hello everyone, new to the site. Hope my sig is not too big. I like how this site has the same layout as TYM. TZ is a mess.
Hello everyone, new to the site. Hope my sig is not too big. I like how this site has the same layout as TYM. TZ is a mess.