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  • Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    cant even get into a player match to play with non main characters because they see your rank and instakick. its pathetic.
    if there ever is another SC i hope to god they get rid of the rank system. its the worst idea ever. so many online whiners.
    Also been practicing Aeon more but i still cant figure out how to make him good. despite how much i like him as a character.
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    Reactions: imonamission
    He cannot apply pressure. Plain and simple. Up close you want them to fear your powerful verticals (BE's 3B, even 22B) and above-average throws. Up close you want them to guess between ducking or standing block at all times, as you can do massive (or at least high) damage either way.
    As for Your issue with flow and how after your 50/50's he "doesn't have anything else", what he has to fall back on is his spacing. Up close 50/50's, and longe range poke/spacing. I've seen him called a combination of Nightmare and Asta, which I find pretty accurate.
    Of course, I'm a scrub, so don't listen to me.
    when you really think about it, Asta has been turned into the Jack 5 of SC. this is sad and disheartening...
    I'm not trying to be antagonistic dude, and I certainly never said I was better than you. But I get pissed whenever someone who's only barely beating me calls me a scrub on a game I've put damn near 700 hours on. I'm trying to respect you, but you're making it pretty hard.
    SCV title update today? WHAT IS THIS??
    nope. i didnt see any changes. probably false alarm
    Check Dampierre slots :o They might've put characters in that bitch >:D Ah, :/ you got my hopes up for nothing.
    Xbox only saves a certain amount of updates so if you have been playing a bunch of new games eventually the old title update will be deleted and must be redownloaded.
    I think its sad that i played like 5 characters in SC4 but in 5 no one besides astaroth is that interesting to me.
    Well, sticking to a main helps you learn a game faster!
    note to self: headbutt spam mixups with astaroth are hilarious. people get mad as hell but its super effective xD
    While I probably would not be much of a match for you I am always up to play :). I play more for fun than to win though haha.
    I'm on SC pretty much everyday for a couple hours at the least if not more depending on how bored i am. send me a friend request and ill play with ya whenever you like. warning that im often phantom online. meaning it'll say im there when im not and viceversa
    seems SCV is pretty much dead. gets harder and harder to find anyone to play with each day. i gander by Jan it'll be pretty much official.
    Can they just release the damn patch?
    @Guy i dont think there will be another patch. that was part of the reason they banned viola iirc. @Slayer i live in the DC area and so i dont drive at the moment. everyone playing SC is at least an hour or so away and out of the metro area which means i cant get there.
    i know how it feels bro. i live in canada, and everybody lives far away. like across the country far away. and i dont drive either.
    I feel like I know you from Second Life or something. o.o *sniffs*
    Totally forgot about this site... xD Scesmoon Reynor if I remember right! I should hop on SL more often... :3 Or we should play SC sometime!
    yep thats me, im barely on sl anymore though but definitely add me to your friends on there and xbox/ps3! GT: Scesmoon
    Finally sent a request on PS3 x3
    ...because afterall; heaven forbid a strength/power based character actually be high tier in a japanese made game. that be blasphemy. :|
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