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  • Hi, nice to see another european Yun-player!

    Saw your vid against DTNs Sig and I liked it. But here a two things I noticed. 1. After 3[K] you always did CR B. Even after DTN was waiting for it and block it. Here was your chance to mix it up with CR K:G and CR 2KK. Especially after CR K:G it is Yuns best mix-up.
    2. After CR A+K on block you always did BB, try a 3[K] once in a while for the CR K:G_CR 2KK mix-up.

    If you feel like it watch one or two of my vids in the Yun vids section. I may not be the best, but maybe you'll see something you like.

    Maybe we can play two or three casuals in Cannes. Would be cool.
    There are not very many Yun users in tourneys as far as I know. I know King Salmon/Tomahawk uses him competitively sometimes. I plan on using him if I ever go to a tourney as well.
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