Silent Joel
Silent Joel
Lol, I dunno. He would need to get a hotel with someone. If he can get one with the other foreign players, or some of you guys it would work out cheap. He could even stay at the venue if he wanted.
eeeh things aren't looking so good atm, he can't seem to find a flight back for 25th oct after the tourney.
I've sent a couple links from easyjet...but I don't know if they're what he wants...flights aren't my strongpoint...heck trains aren't my strongpoint...fk, travelling isn't my strongpoint...and neither is SoulCalibur Kappa
but yh I don't mind sharing the hotel room with him and splitting the bill the 3 of us, but Rudeb0y has to have a say in this aswell, I don't know if HolyCarp has taken Kalas' offer to room with him, and I got no clue what other players are doing...if worst comes to the worst, it might have to be the venue
Silent Joel
Silent Joel
Lol, I can't organise your rooms too! The hostel room at Bridge Park are quite cheap, but if you get 4 people it will work out the same. Tell Adam to get in touch with me, I don't think he'll have time to catch a flight back on the Saturday.