Search results

  1. Freaky

    Zas Wishlist

    With SCBD approaching, I figured it would be cool to come up with improvements for Zas, then complain about them when the game comes out and he is largely unchanged. 1) First and foremost, make his combos consistent! 3B4, 4A+B only hitting Kilik from a specific range? FC 3B, 66A+B4, BT B+K...
  2. Freaky

    Zas Anti-Step

    Basically, he doesn't have any. Miko and I were talkin about this yesterday. I've been sick all day and had nothing better to do so I figured I'd test some stuff out. I wish I hadn't. All of his step-killers are slow or unreliable. He barely has any answers for stepG, especially with advantage...
  3. Freaky

    Blackbird: Web Browser for African Americans

    I know race is a touchy subject but I saw this article today: I don't understand this. I'm not black, so maybe I'm out of the loop, but I don't see the point. What can this web browser...
  4. Freaky

    Rock's Top 10 (No Seriously)

    I know it's hardly worth the effort, but I'd like to see what the few other Rock players use as their bread and butter. I'm sure most will be similar, but maybe there's something somebody missed and/or could take better advantage of. And I know you might be wondering: "Does Rock even have 10...