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  1. Zayith

    Last inch?

    Play defensive with pokes and keep in mind of their gauge as well. The gauge would increase a bit from being swamped in a round by taking damage. As a psychological part, most players I tend to play with become cautious of low attacks near low health. Especially 2k and sliding kicks. Also for...
  2. Zayith

    Voldo Q&A / General Discussion

    From this point on, it's best to look at the frame data to see which of his attacks are generally used and forums. Thanks for the help. If anybody has character specific strats. feel free to let me know. I'll like to hear them.
  3. Zayith

    Voldo Q&A / General Discussion

    What's the general goal for a Voldo? What general range would he like to stay in? I'm curious about his general tactics. I see this guy is right. Some of Yoshi's lows would just whiff or just hit for low damage anyhow if you were somehow manage to do them when Voldo is in this crawling state...
  4. Zayith

    Voldo Q&A / General Discussion

    Voldo is waaaay to sexy for me to be able to predict how to move with this master dancer. I've struggle against Voldo simply from not knowing what his general strategy is and simply his animations are weird and sexy. So which moves do Voldo's generally like to use? What are some of his unsafe...
  5. Zayith

    Felt like this warranted its own thread

    Nice Vega tattoo! Hidooooooken!
  6. Zayith

    I main Yoshi since SCIV and I know a bit of PAT if you're interested locally.

    I main Yoshi since SCIV and I know a bit of PAT if you're interested locally.
  7. Zayith

    From SC2 to SCV - eek! (A few questions)

    Not simple A+K! That Guard Impact move Yoshi has is quite nice and useful! It's a Gi with potential combo and/or extra damage. Also when people walk into you while doing the move it counts as a knock down. It's also leads to increases charges for his gamble move set Iron Fist Procession (more...
  8. Zayith

    Hello there. I seem to be a few months behind but I finally got around to it.

    Hello there. I seem to be a few months behind but I finally got around to it.
  9. Zayith

    Soulcalibur Players Map

    A other person here from Ann Arbor Michigan.
  10. Zayith

    Yo. A thread directed me that we live in the same town. If you want some easy non-travel local...

    Yo. A thread directed me that we live in the same town. If you want some easy non-travel local matches; I'm game.
  11. Zayith

    A closed minded entity

    I do believe according to Wikipedia under in Yoshimitsu's Reception, said "In 2011, ranked Yoshimitsu as the seventh-best ninja in all video games". I laugh at this statement. Anyhow back on topic; no...
  12. Zayith

    A closed minded entity

    I've taken some ninjustu in real life because my best friend's father owns a ninja dojo for a living. I can teach you some basic ninja moves in real life! Would you like me to start? On the side note, I play a pretty good Yoshi. Some people consider him a ninja, some don't. Do you consider him...
  13. Zayith

    Yoshimitsu JF General

    This is pretty good. Now all we need is a Clean Hit section and we'll be golden.
  14. Zayith

    SCV Yoshimitsu CE, BE, and meter Discussion

    I don't know what you're talking about. It's not totally useless. You can use it to look cool.
  15. Zayith

    SCV Yoshimitsu CE, BE, and meter Discussion

    JustKill: I could of sworn I tried that. Regardless, I'll hit the lab and retry this method.
  16. Zayith

    Regard your sticky combo thread, why isn't 3B listed after 214A, DNK? I'm absolutely sure 3B is...

    Regard your sticky combo thread, why isn't 3B listed after 214A, DNK? I'm absolutely sure 3B is a hit after 214A, DNK.
  17. Zayith

    SCV Yoshimitsu CE, BE, and meter Discussion

    Hit box seems weird to me. Can't seem to do it on the smaller female characters (Lexia, Omega, etc.). Maybe I'm just doing it wrong. But if you say is right, probably is the case.
  18. Zayith

    SCV Yoshimitsu CE, BE, and meter Discussion

    66A BE seems to be a solid tech trap (even though it's still risky) from my experience. Only problem is I can't find anything to combo with the crumble stun from 66A BE besides the lolsy 6B BE which at the end I couldn't find anything to combo after that. Has anybody ever played around with...
  19. Zayith

    Advice: Rock, CaS and a New Wake Up Game.

    You two make a convincing point! I must give him a try then. I've always liked his new brutal feel to the character now (even if hes bad).
  20. Zayith

    Advice: Rock, CaS and a New Wake Up Game.

    Oh of course. I love SC. Been playing it competitively more and more each game. Hopefully when I start my college classes here I can start entering into some actual tournaments outside my area; not just in my area. It's still a fun game, I do agree. Hmmm...maybe I should just learn some...