Critical finishing...


[08] Mercenary
I recently figured out how to trigger this move and blew my friends away with it because they didn't know about it (and they're much better at video gaming than I am!). It was hilarious. Anyway, I think it comes in handy when you're fighting someone who insists on blocking more than striking. It forces them to have to fight. I don't know about other players, but I would rather be KO'd or Ringed Out than Critically Finished. I like catching other players with it though. >:)

Anyway, after I pulled that on my friends, they wanted to learn how to do it (imagine that; they wanted to learn something from the worst gamer alive!), so I taught them and we started playing around and triggered most of the characters' Critical Finish moves. Some of those things are downright brutal, LOL! it is; I thought I'd just open a discussion on character Critical Finishing. Whose moves do you like/dislike and why?
I liked Ivy's and Taki's. They shouldve put CF's and CE' in SC5 which may make it better.
Mage - Whoa, wait a minute. Darth Vader is in the game? How do you unlock the character? Because I know somebody who wishes so bad that he was a playable character, LOL!
Which console do you have? If you have an Xbox 360, you'll have to buy him...
My favourite CF is Dampierre's...
But overall I hate Cfs. I get CFed very often... T-T
Mina is also good at weakening the soul gauge, I'm not a CF fan but with her I make them really easy.
I'm on XBox360, so I guess that answers that question. What about The Apprentice? I absolutely despise him, but is he a playable character too?

Amy's Critical Finish is pretty dramatic. I thought Hilde's was cool too. Raphael's was actually kind of scary/disturbing when I first set it off, but now I'm used to it and it's just fun to spring it on other people. I don't use it often though. I try to keep my playing as unpredictable as possible.

Of all the Critical Finishes, I think Yoshimitsu's disturbs me the most and it's probably because it's preformed like an actual execution. My friend who plays him likes to try and pull that move on me often. Not amusing. X(
I'm on XBox360, so I guess that answers that question. What about The Apprentice? I absolutely despise him, but is he a playable character too?

Well, then you'll have to purchase him from the Xbox's store or whatever it's called (I have a PS3, so I have no idea about Xbox's stuff).
And yes you can play as the Apprentice, but to unlock him, you'll have to play as Darth Vader either the story mode or the Arcade mode (Sorry I don't remember exactly how I got him)...