Full Speed Aerial Kicks: Side Tournaments (FSAK)

Go ahead and put me down for SC2. Pretty sure Krayzie said he signed up for SC2 and SC3. Didn't he post about that?
i also posted awhile back what tournies i wish to enter. once again put me down for...

SC2, SC4 low tier leftovers, Warble JI tourney, and All Rock tourney.
Well unfortunately Me , Thuggish, and Hawk eye ride had a fragile proposal due to his health on getting to this tourney. We'll find a way to get there, but we no longer have money for hotel too. Except for thuggish, If anyone can lend a hand it would be much appreciated.
I thought Idle was housing you all, Malcolm? If not, I have room in my room; so far, it's only me and my younger bro in there. It's at the place across the street from the venue.
LostProvidence would you mind housing me as well. I have absolutely no hotel arrangements. If you can thank you!

I am down for putting some cash up no questions just need a spot to crash. If so it will be back to rooming with some old chicago friends once again.
Sure, it's no problem. You don't have to worry about cash, bro; I would've gotten the room regardless. the more the merrier!

But, yeah, I won't be there until Friday morning.
Thanks a lot. I will purchase the pizza or something then since I would feel guilty for not chipping in but thanks again. Friday is perfect.