GVN Winter Brawl 6 Results!


138 players! The largest non-EVO Soulcalibur tournament EVER! And Final Round is looking to be even bigger!

The following players earned EVO points for this event:
1: LinkRKC :sc4ivy1:
2: TSF Ramon :sc5pyr1::sc2mit2:
3: RM_SawnikFaux :sc5vio1::sc4tir1:
4: EMP KDZ :sc5sig1::sc2maxi1:
5: Woahhzz :sc5sc:
5: OmegaXCN :sc5nat1:
7: Something-Unique :sc5pyr1::sc2kil2:
7: Bibulus :sc5lei1:
9: Dinoz
9: Christopher Harris
9: RTD
9: Neorussel
13: MCZ DMG Fab
13: Ceirnian
13: PhoenixIvan
13: Boom


Videos are uploading as we speak!
Winterbrawl was so freaking hype.

We had fucking pools. POOLS

I'm still recovering from the hype and the partying that ensued afterwards, and my sodium levels are slowly dropping from having been one match away from EVO points, heh.

I want to thank everybody who came for showing up and making this the most hype calibur event I have seen since FSAK
IM so happy i made it to top 3. I didnt even believe i would make top 8 in two different games! IM so happy <333

You did amazingly well, and I'm glad you had a good time on top of the success.

Also, I'm liking the change to the spelling of your gamertag here on the forums. Mostly because faux is pronounced "Foe", heh.
Fun times were had by all, indeed. Will post more later, just wanted to say sorry that Sonic wasn't old enough to get one of the Mitsu bobble-head dolls, since they were 14+

Also, props to the douchey door guy who tried to give Ramon the boot after he just made grand finals. Hooray for NEC tournaments...lol
I got 3rd in the Eternal Champions side tournament, Hubbs ended up beating me first round and in losers finals. DAMN YOU HUBBS

I got eliminated by double Astaroth, I knew the matchup was bad but man it's more than just that at this point. I need to take that dude to the lab ASAP. Had a lot of fun and I'm way too lazy to do that shout out stuff since I already said most of what needed to be said in person.

People aren't thinking Viola is so free anymore. Gimmicks aside, she has some super solid stuff that is going to keep developing over the life of the game. Was fun but I don't think I can make Final Round since it is so soon after already getting a ticket to the east coast. I'll do what I can but it's not looking good right now.
Good stuff, glad i met everyone there. Damn Sonic for putting me into losers 2nd round but great stuff with that Viola.

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