Kilik videos

UGH! Ryujin irks me a little in the first vid. the guard breaker (214 B) has a guarenteed after it if performed fast enough (3 kB) and gives you an opening for asura afterwards... makes me sad, since its such a pretty combo TT.TT

nevermind, he did it against rock.... there is also a tech trap after 3 kB he could use xD
(4 B)
UGH! Ryujin irks me a little in the first vid. the guard breaker (214 B) has a guarenteed after it if performed fast enough (3 kB) and gives you an opening for asura afterwards... makes me sad, since its such a pretty combo TT.TT

nevermind, he did it against rock.... there is also a tech trap after 3 kB he could use xD
(4 B)

Best option post 214B 3kB is 6B+K - its garunteed damage. Most players will stay down in this situation. Tech traps post 3kB only really work against inexperienced opposition as there is no motive to get up immediately...