Maxi's Jukebox (your best fight music)


[09] Warrior
Hey Maxi fans, if you did not know SC5 allows you to play your own songs during matches and in menus and lobbies. If you open your PS3 system menu, just go to your music section and start playing. I love it! Exception being that during online fights your own music can not play during matches but resumes once it's over. I really like that to though, while waiting to connect to opponents I get to listen to some cool music to pump me up for the next fights, a bit like the breaks in a real life competitive match fight.

So let's post our favourite SC5 fight music here and share the fun!

I have my computer and xbox connected to both my monitor and speakers at the same time, so I keep the BGM all the way down, and just play my own music while I play SC5. I even have media controls on my keyboard for easy song changes, and fast "pausing when I'm losing so I can pretend I'm only losing because the music distracted me."

only to be played during the most epic of battles.
You guys have heard this song, right? It's part of what got me back into Soul Calibur back in 4, remembering the fun I used to have in SC1/SC2 (the opening is Mitsurugi, and the middle part (2:30) is what the announcer said if you lost a round with Maxi)

I searched...ADAMANTLY for the audio files of the announcer saying "Maxi was seriously wounded, but the soul still burns," (the voice clip itself) and after finally getting a copy of the disc and through a very painful process dumping all the info and finding the sound file, I ended up with some audio format only used for SC1 and nothing else, leaving me with a useless file that nothing could read...
I feel like my music isn't going to fit with many other people heh.

The song on the last one is now permanently associated with fighting due to that video. And it makes me want to play devil jin and hurt people.
Hey guys, check this one out! The best adrenalin track ever:
I know that this is an old thread, so I thought I'd troll this:

Maxi related, though not really fight music to get you too pumped... but it's actually not too shabby given this artist's efforts...I guess.
Thought Id repost this totally pumped kick ass song since last link did´nt work, a must listen:

Was playing the other day. And the wife said "Remember this song?" As I was playing just felt right.
