off her meds! tira frame data

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[09] Warrior
alright guys, you know the drill. go support the future press guide, it has great frame data plus good basic strategies , oki, and other things. you can purchase the guide here

now for tire since she has JS and GS i will differentiate the two with a |
so her frame data will look like this :
aa 13|11f 2,6 -8,-6 so her JS aa is 13f while GS is 11f. and they both are plus 2(1stb),6(2nd b) on hit and -8,-6 on block. it will always be JS on the left and GS on the right.


aa 13|11f 2,6 ,-8,-6

JS 6ab 16f 2,4 -8,-13

GS 6a 21f stn10 -2

JS 3a 19f 2 -9

GS 3aa 14f -4,knd -14,-12

JS 2ab a+b 18f -10,knd,knd -18,-21,-8

JS 2ab[a+b] 18f -10,knd,knd -18,-21,-8,-8,-8

GS 2a 13f 8 -6

1a 31f knd -14

JS 4a 18f stn14 -14

GS 4a 20f knd +0

FC2a 12f 8 -6

WRa 19f 4 -12

jump a 19f -5 -15

JS 66aa 18f -7,knd -20,-20

GS 66a 22f knd 4

22a 22f stn14 -8

JS 44aa 20f -8,knd -17 ,-9

JS 44a2a 20f -8,knd -17,-15

GS 44a 30f knd -10

BTa 15f 5 -5

BT2a 16f 4 -6

updraft a --f -11 -14

GS 3aaBE 14f knd -12


bb 15|14f -2,4 -8,-6

JS 6b 19f 6 -10

GS 6b 17f 4 -12

JS3b 18f lnc -12

GS3b 18f lnc -13

2b 15f 2 -8

1b 16f 1 -8

JS4b 19f -9 -18

GS4bbb(just) 19f 0,stn,lnc -12,-14,-20

FCb 14f 2 -8

WRbk 18f stn,lnc -16,-

jumpb 36f stn -16

JS66b 23f lnc -8

GS66b 17f knd -8

GS666b 17f knd -8

GS 33b 18f lnc -13

JS22b 20f 9 -3

GS22b 29f stn 9

GS11b 25f 4 -14

JS 44b 30f knd -7

GS44b 32 6 -8

44 39f 6 -8

BTb 18f 4 -8

BT2b 18f 2 -8

updraft b -f stn 2

JS66b BE 23f lnc,stn -6

GS66b BE 17f knd 6

GS666b BE 17f knd 6


k 13f 2 -8

6k 17f knd -6

3k 16f -4 -10

2k 15f -2 -14

JS 1k 27f knd -21

GS 1k 21f 0 -16

4k 12f -7 -8

236k 28f knd -20

FCk 14f -2 -14

WRk 15f 8 -12

jump k 19f knd -12

JS 66k 16f 4 -6

GS 66k 22f knd -10

22k 21f 8 -6

JS44k 16f 8 -8

GS44k 21f 10 -4

sliding k 21f knd -22

BTk 15f 2 -8

BT2k 16f -4 -14

updraft k -f knd,stn -18,-18

236k BE 23f knd -11


a+b 18f knd -8

[a+b] 47f knd -8,-8,-8

6a+b 63f knd UB

GS2a+b 28f stn -3

JSb+ka+b --f knd -1

4b+kb 26f lnc,stn -16,-10

JS BT b+k ba+b 18f lnc,stn,knd -16,-18,-8

GS BTb+k 17f stn -6

CE 13f knd -20

throws 17f
Nice. GS 66A +4 on block, better than i thought. JS 4K being -21 on block sucks, love that move, though for some reason people rarely punish it very hard.
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