Siegfried Videos

lol yea I meant the mod, can you mod the ps3 version?
anyways, saw the fight and gg, considering that Pyrrha omega is one of siegfried's worst matchups lol
i don't really know siegfried so I can't give you any advices
that is very unsafe against pyrrha, she can start to spam DNS B to avoid the high hit. lol
pyrrha beats siegfried no matter what he does, at least I think I do! ♡
Any chance we could get some videos of Spartan and Chaos in action in here? More Slayer, Solo and ShenYuan wouldn't hurt anything either. I'd love to see 11th Dimension, but I guess that wouldn't be possible for a while? I want to study as many Siegfried players (who aren't some permutation of CAT GIRL) as possible so I can hopefully advance a bit beyond beating people with low spam or mids after I've conditioned them to block low.
Im sure some of the guys could post their matches or show you them privately, however you could also post your own vids so that people here will give you advice and tips to help you improve the way you play... Just a suggestion...
Alright, I'll start saving some matches so I can post them here. Even though I'd rather not depress the rest of you when you see how horribly clumsily I play him.

Thanks for those, Caspian!
Any chance we could get some videos of Spartan and Chaos in action in here? More Slayer, Solo and ShenYuan wouldn't hurt anything either. I'd love to see 11th Dimension, but I guess that wouldn't be possible for a while? I want to study as many Siegfried players (who aren't some permutation of CAT GIRL) as possible so I can hopefully advance a bit beyond beating people with low spam or mids after I've conditioned them to block low.
Certainly! I'm a bit out of practice by now, but I'll see what I can do for you! I'd be more than happy to give you some videos to watch!