Some Amy match videos

Hmm, advice, OK...

Instead of throwing after a GI (Amy's throw range is so, so short...) why not 4B+K? It's a safe alternative, and would catch early GI whiffs... unless you just don't like the idea of throwing out something else that can be GI'd...

Uh, 0:34 on the ... and other times where you 236 and then A+B'd instead...
how do you set up (button-press wise) for doing 236K:A?

1KA is bad and wrong. It is badong. Why you usin' it? ._.

With B+K, how about trying this? GI, hit them with K, then 6:6B... then force a mixup. 1B'll get you around 50-ish damage (about the same as doing a 6:6BA), but if you make the opponent attempt to crouch, 33B will relaunch with reset damage. Kids love it. >_>

Don't be afraid to use 66A+B/B+G for reverse ringout trickshots. Only problem with the former is that it's slow...

I'm sure you picked it up, but with Sieg, it's safer to 6BB a blocked wrB - SCH or 3B every time.

You got hit with Sieg's opening move 3A a lot... maybe you shouldn't run in all the time? :|

Also, with BT B+K, instead of doing a combo you can hit them with 2K to force a mixup as well (dash-in to throw or 33B). Usually people just end up eating the throw though.

3BA, 1B working for you? I prefer 33B instead of 1B myself...

A+K K, 6BB works as a decent frame trap (beats i13 and up, except for TC moves and the like.)

Against blocked Asura, safest thing is to always B+K after first hit. I don't think Kilik can do anything about it.

If you cancel 4A+B, it's probably better to cancel into A than B (since you dodge 4A+B by sidestepping it...)

Does your capture device lag a little sometimes? O_o Lag hasn't escaped from the intranets, has it?!

Anyway, thanks. It's not tournament stuff, but it's refreshing to have new videos up.
Ya my device will mess up sometimes, i have no clue why, it's pretty random. Uh basicly I have L1 set to A+B, so I do like 236K: then hit square and L1 back to back quickly to get the JF but sometimes I can mess it up but not very often. If I was playing more I would be doing 3BA 6:6B actually but I don't use 3BA that much (against good players) so I dunno, just got lazy and did 1B. The advice about post GI is pretty helpful, I'll give it a shot next time I play. I'm just not used to using all the moves again since I dropped this game for street fighter but thanks for the reminders, I'll def. bring more to the table next time.
I see... are you coming back competitively?

If you have the time to devote to it, try to nail 236K:A with just a single A press. Personally, I mash out the K part to make sure it comes out, so either I miss the JF, I hit the JF, or I absentmindedly do 236KK which isn't so bad.

I do use my A+B button as well, but only online (where I can get away with it...)
There will be a couple more tournaments before I'm done, one in feb, then regionals in may. I didn't play too bad in the past regionals, and my team won the team tournament (too strong) but ya my execution and decision making isn't what it once was. Oh, and I only use 1KA against this dude because he doesn't duck it lol.