Tekken 7 is a thing...

He looks really cool! Wasn't a fan of Tekken 6 really. The graphics were so different from SCV. I like the more shiny graphics.
Yot always is cool, doesn't matter how much he changes.

My favorite though still are T3 and the Kabuto Skull costume
They got Jack 7 too now

In an attempt to change up his design, they gave him red hair and made him glow.

Yes, the Tekken team has fired all of it's designers, why do you ask?
Is...Ok I guess. I think they are playing too safe when it comes to charácter design, old characters didn't change at all and new characters are so bland and generic that you can't dislike them (but you can't really like either).

Come on, Namco, KI, MK, all new generation fighting games are doing good job with characters, risk a bit and bring us some cool designs.
They got Jack 7 too now

In an attempt to change up his design, they gave him red hair and made him glow.

Yes, the Tekken team has fired all of it's designers, why do you ask?
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At the rate they've been going at lately, we'll get another reveal tonight. At least, if we go by how the last two weeks have played out.
At the rate they've been going at lately, we'll get another reveal tonight. At least, if we go by how the last two weeks have played out.

Eh, the other reveals haven't followed the same schedule. I wouldn't necessarily expect anything. Jack 7 and Yoshimitsu were both leaked through glitchy arcade machine earlier on too, so there wasn't much sense in keeping them secret. Same thing with Josie and Gigas.