Tekken Revolution (Free to Play)

Man I haven't been this into Tekken since T3, though honestly I skipped T5 (bad move I realized). TR doesn't have T6's stupidly long load times or TT2's stupidly long matches... the game's damn near perfect, coin scams aside. So nice to take out half a lifebar for stupid shit. I'm coming from DOA5, where the most guaranteed damage you get is like 25% lol

Any fellow Asuka players? I'm also getting Alisa now, and thinking of picking up Xiao. The roster's so small it's like what the hell, why not
Casually, I play Asuka only since I see no Yoshimitsu. As much as I'd want to get into Tekken, I'm still too lazy. DOA5 and SCV.
It is official, Tekken is dead to me...too bad one of my favorite games back in the day.
I predict that Yoshimitsu will appear in this game.

I also predict that Gehosen will be his Critical Art move (Invincible move)

Gehosen is the SC5 move that has the input 22_88A.
From what I have heard, they are going to add a Practice Mode and more characters over time.
Whenever that happens or if it happens, it probably won't be any time soon.
I'm unlocked 3 characters and no Leo :(.. I did get Jin though.. From what I understand, you unlock characters at 1k Gift points, 7k, 30k and 60k..
lol I think im the only one who likes Tekken Rev, 1 of my mains is already there, lil ling, no bounds reminds me of the good old days, the invincible moves, arent a problem as punishment still counts.
-There are 1p 2p costumes.
-There are plans to introduce Williams, so more good news.
- Invincible moves, really arent OP, if they are breaking strings you've been using recently, those strings have been BS lol. People forget, tekken can be scrubby with scrubby people, trying to overwhelm with attack after attack lol, stick to jab pressure with spacing. Tekken play relies a lot on baiting, and creating whiffs.
Well I do like playing this, so if Anna does become available I will def start playing this more.

Where'd you hear that from, Harada's twitter?