ULTRA Street Fighter IV

Wow, they actually changed Rolento's theme song to his boss music from Final Fight instead of the Bay Area theme. Kinda sad to see it go but the new one is pretty badass in its own right.
Even counting that is WUltra nerfed, U1 look weak... but that exPatriot->U1 at the end just look scary
Still nothing incredible (even if chose U1-only), but seem that with very little technique required at some point he can just chose to land it on your face. At this point i'm curious to know exPatriot properties

Anyway seem viable for WUltra... U2 seem situational but give honest dmg even Wnerfed, U1 got exPatriot
Correct me if I'm wrong here but didn 't Dictator at some point have an actual AA? I think it was a vertical Psycho Crusher. Why can't Capcom give him that?
As AA?
cr.HP is now faster
st.HK can be useful
If you read right jf.MPx2 -> PC is now possible without the EX version

If you want give me new-old moves, give me BF
Lol, second worst option

Well, at least is'nt fucking gouken's daughter

Confirmed charge char, good