44K Because You're Pro =) (dumping ground for pointless posts)

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[14] Master
As we all know the WGC is this weekend and few of us have managed to make the trip.
However, Pantocrator has and on behalf of the Siegfried's unable to make the journey, I would like to offer him my support and I hope he will once again prove that Siegfried is a dire force to be reckoned with.
Pantocrator, I wish you the best of luck!
Give them hell!

I would hope the rest of us would post their support here and following the tournament use it to discuss the results, which may help Slayers master guide, who knows?
I fully support you Pantocrator. Show em what Siegfried's truly made of! Im sure we can learn alot from your experiences. You know your stuff better than I do. Im sure you'll fair well. Best of luck to you friend, we're proud of you.
I know his group is:
Hyrule (Age of Truth)
... And some French Lizardman

I'm sure he'll pass the groups so let's hope he fairs well in the knockouts and bumps Sieg up the tier list. Fuck Mid, Upper mid bitches!!! ^_^
Thank you so much fo your support. :-)
Finaly I did 5th, I lost against Scud and Kira.

Hope I didn't disapoint you :-p
of course not pantocrator! all that matters is you put your best foot forward, and thats what you did! just getting that far does us proud!
Thank you so much fo your support. :-)
Finaly I did 5th, I lost against Malek and Kira.

Hope I didn't disapoint you :-p

My only disappointment is that I wasn't there to support you in person man. Well done on fifth! That's a great result!
Though get practicing man, I've already put £400 aside to compete next year and it would be a shame if I embarrassed you in front of several hundred people XD.
Besides, considering 1st, 2nd and 3rd were: Ivy, Amy, Ivy; 5th going to Siegfried is a phenomenal outcome! Well done Pantocrator!
Just so long as you don't lose to Keev I'm happy :p
Hmmm i dont think there will be a WCG in Cannes next year....at least i heard something like that. There will be most probably a tournament in Berlin. People like Malek, Ring, Pantocrator etc will be there...im sure some other frenchies, too...maybe just come visit us? :) Its a lot more relaxed than Cannes....BBQ, Less expensive,...
Aww... But then I'll run a significant risk of losing to germans ~_~. (No offence :P)
Ah well, Siegs homeland and all that! ^_^
Yeah, the barbecue was really nice last time with poisoned sausages for Ivy players xD On topic, congrats Panto. We need to play online again! =P
This was my first competitive Tournament in which I entered with Siegfried and not only did I compete with everyone, I finished second, being knocked out in the Final by Age of Truth's X.
Though the UK scene is weak, most of the top players showed up and I still placed, knocking out several insane players.

In the last year, I've learned so much from every Siegfried player in this soul arena and I just wanted to thank you all for keeping it active and continuing support for Siegfried:
Slayer: Thankyou for re-testing the frame data and always giving helpful suggestions and good ideas.
Jink: Thankyou for showing why Siegfrieds tip range is so powerful and proving that Sieg can be played both safe and well.
Zombiebear: Thankyou for having such a sharp, clinical view of his options, it really opened my eyes and watching you use Sieg taught me volumes about the importence of movement.
Heaton: Thankyou for your contributions recently, particularly in the anti-matchup thread, it's all good stuff.
Pantocrator: Thankyou for showing the importance of hit confirming and constantly proving why Siegfried is underestimated, it's always a pleasure to see you fight.
Thanks to everybody here for all the discoveries we have collectively made and I look forward to seeing what we discover in Soul Calibur V.
You rock guys!
Great job Synraii! im glad that you've learned so much and done so well for yourself! Good For You! Hopefully we can help you out on ur X a little, but shes brutal vs siegfried. but either way you've made us very proud! keep it up!

Now...about that re-match we're gonna have in our 3bar variable lag connection...
Great job Synraii! im glad that you've learned so much and done so well for yourself! Good For You! Hopefully we can help you out on ur X a little, but shes brutal vs siegfried. but either way you've made us very proud! keep it up!

Now...about that re-match we're gonna have in our 3bar variable lag connection...
I've got half a mind to just fly to Canada then rematch you XD
Otherwise, just inv me when you're online man =)
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