Any tips to pull off festival of the damned timing wise?


[08] Mercenary
I'm starting to pick up Kilik again. I was pretty good with him before but not 'nearly' as good as the veteran Kilik players, but yea probably a noob question but to all verteran Kilik players, how do you pull off festival of the damned i'm doing the exact buttons but i know i must have some timing off or something. Like i can do asura dance perfectly every time that's easy, yet i'm doing something wrong with festival of the damned o.O? Any tips?
236a+g, 46a

Do that all as one command (or almost as one command)

Yea that's what i've been trying but no luck so far =/ like do you guys do 46a right afterwards or like a short delay...bc i've tried both ha?
After 236A+G, do the 46A before Kilik's hand grabs the opponent. It's gotta be that fast.

So do 236A+G, 46A altogether really really quick.
I believe someone here said there was a 10 frame window to get 46A after 236A+G. That's gotta come out blazing quick.

I used to have problems with the second part too, since I was doing it too fast. The half-circle motion you can do relatively slowly-- if you input it at the same speed as the 46A it won't come out.

Also, I find that if you input Asura too fast after FotD, Kilik does the first attack in the wrong direction (????) and the whole thing whiffs. Just a head's up.
If you're having trouble with it, try doing 66A as opposed to 46A. For some odd reason it seems to work, but for the record I do use the analog stick.

Just doing the first two commands really quickly should work, though.
Ok, i got down the first two moves i'm still trying to get the 3rd hit in, which i did twice but i forgot the timing hahaha....argh should i like, hit 41236+B like right when i hit 46+A or like before that?
Whoohoo! i did asura dance after festival of the damned on first try, i definitely appreciate the help. Thanks a lot, you guys are the shit XD
you could also try. 4123[6]A+G,A, 41236B

Easily the most reliable way to get the throw. Just make sure you do 4123[6]A+G fairly quickly. Not super fast but no delays.
I just discovered the simplest, cheesiest way to pull of consistent FOTD and Asura Dance on the 360 gamepad. As long as you know the timing on the first two hits of either move, this technique will ensure that the third hit will ALWAYS come through.

Both moves end with 41236B, which I've discovered is the fast route to calluses on your thumb, courtesy of the fantastic pain-inducing design of the 360 gamepad. However, with enough practice, you can switch quickly over to the analog stick during the second hit to input the 41236B. The timing is MUCH more forgiving, so you don't have to roll super fast (in fact, you might just be able to get away with rolling 41236 over and over again on the stick and mashing B until it comes out), but it certain has increased my Asura/FOTD success rate phenomenally. It also prevents your thumb from falling off.
i do Asura Dance with the B+K6B98741236 Method. Just one big Circle with the Analog Stick, works perfect.

Sometimes i didnt hit the 4 so i just started to do a whole circle....
i always do the 41236 in the "right" no circle or anything. just do the inputs with no fault
Any tips to pull off festival of the damned ti

Yop i found a new way to do FOTD :

Juste do quickly :

41236 A+G or B+G

You don't even have to do the next part it will automaticlly count your 46A or 46B, but you have to it quick.
Any tips to pull off festival of the damned ti

Neat! It seems that there's always some ghetto way to do FotD, I assume this puts out the instant version?
Any tips to pull off festival of the damned ti

Yop i found a new way to do FOTD :

Juste do quickly :

41236 A+G or B+G

You don't even have to do the next part it will automaticlly count your 46A or 46B, but you have to it quick.

I tried this and you have to be insanely quick its a bitch on d-pad
Any tips to pull off festival of the damned ti

I hate dpad I couldn't figure out why I'm not doing it worth the shit and guess why.
when I do 46 my game is reading it as at least a quarter roll maybe a full 41236.
Anyone have any suggestions to counter this?