Astaroth: Attack the Soul Gauge


[09] Warrior
Ver. 1.02

Note: Nx = number of consecutive blocks that it will take to soul crush.

1[A]B (Soul crush after 1[A])

1[A]A (Soul crush after 1[A])

B (Soul crush after first B)
214AAAAAA (soul crush after first 214A)


BB (Soul Crush after first B)

A+B 2_8A+B

Note: Everthing else not listed takes more than 10 straight Blocks. Bullrush takes 12, but the full charged versions of any Bullrush and Bullrush variations do not count on the soul gauge.

Ver. 1.03





PT 11
4[a] 13
4 14
66k 14
A+B 14
6b 15
ab 16
44a 20
4a ~81

-Thanks to Gemini Knight and ojste!
what do you guys like to do to chip away at the soul gauge? i personally throw out a lot of 4a and AB for quick easy SG damage, especially AB (delayed) as i like to fish for counter hits as well. i find A+B and 22_88B good at range.

what about chains that force people to block?

i like to use:

66k (on hit), 22_88B - forced to block last hit (cant be GI'ed)
CH 6b, 1[a]b - forced to block B (cant be GI'ed), also im pretty sure if they dont tech after 6b then they will eat all of 1[a]b
22_88b (on hit), 44b - forced to block last hit (cant be GI'ed)
4 (on block), 66k - 66k should duck under the fast pokes if they attack, i like to use 4a instead of 66k against slower chars.
9[B+K] (on block) , PT_3b - PT should dodge pokes if you do it like PT46, so you move backwards before you move back in. 3b should hit most people (it clashes with amys 6bb) and cant be stepped.

so what do you guys like to do for soul gauge damage?
all i have to contribute is. 1aa and 1ab repeatedly = almost garanteed KO or CF online
his statement is still totally valid, against any decent player repeating those moves will not work. unless u have like a 1 bar connection game ........
Some prime info on the SG game:

As you may know, 3A+B is the MAIN key to asta's SG game. Which now, imho, will up his game severly. However let's get down to business.

Taken from babalook in the community thread:

His combo that he was talking about was interesting to say the least. HOWEVER, there's something that you may want to add whenever it comes to his SG game.

41236 B+G, 22_88K (T!), A,B (CRS), 1[A], B...

Dmg = 65~72 pts, Estimate....not too too sure yet, tried it out this morning before i went to work.
Result: Assuming that the player techs the 1[A], B, it'll FORCE them to block the B eating the GC, and will be broken in about 12 times. they can't GI or JI the B. Which is great. However, if you finish it with the low, it becomes the Tech Trap again. finally if they eat the B while grounded....

all i can say is. HAVE FUN *evil laugh*

I'm actually still doing more testing, however that made me laugh a little.
If you want SG damage, use 3A+B or 3[A+B] which is +2 on block, instead of bullrush.

After you hit 22B input 44B for SG damage.

And of course bodysplash.

You should be Gi ing anyway since astaroth has the best post gi game overall.
Yeah 22B, 44B at range is sort of a force block...
After 1[A]B, if the opponent eats the B grounded, 22B is probably the most garaunteed damage, D!, 2A+G*2B+G will work as a tech trap, 66[K] (1/4 charge) is a tech trap and can Ring Out or W! for wall combos, and D!, 22[K] is a wake-up option for ground rollers...
Not necessary, both after 1[A]B and 44 you can get a ground stun or a bounce stun. After the bounce stun 22B isn't guaranteed.

For SG damage, pretty much anytime you lock down your opponent 44B is awesome.
Throw in some random 33Bs, if you know you won't get punished after pushback.
11BK is the most amount of SG damage you can easily get, but you need to set it up.

3[A+B] when it hits 66[K] can only be blocked, 44B for SG damage or 4[A+B], or 3 mind games
After 1[A]B if you are in range you can get 2B+KA+G on many characters.

I was gonna write some longish statement in this space about how 44B is more useful as SG damage than 66B, but now that I think about it(66 doesnt exist etc.) you meant 44B, didn't you? So nevermind.

Im not personally a fan of Asta's SG game though because the moves you have to use to run it don't fit into his normal game plan so extremely well imo. On paper the 44Bs, 33Bs and 3A+Bs look great, but to use them to the extent that they'd get your opponent blinking probably introduces more holes into your offense than would be beneficial. At least most of the time.
If 1[A]B is used as a whole tech trap it's self, meaning that if the B is garaunteed wether they tech or not, then 22B is a combo/ tech trap in both situations, but it's all about timing and range, it works 90% of the time for me, 66K is a tech trap in both cases too...
SG seems ok with Asta but his style says otherwise... Playing around with B*BB*B works against some characters, and dashing in after a 2B+G or Titan Bomb for 3[A+B] is an ok setup... I do like 4, it feels superior to 3[A+B] (at least to me), the charge is faster, it deals good SCD, and the advantage it gives is about twice that of 3[A+B] on grd. (so around +4)... The tech mixup is great on hit too, 2A+G*B+G is a well known tech trap and 1A+G*1B+G is a down trap giving +10 to work with, perhaps for another 4...
Suriad: 1st and foremost, how's gainesville? it's been awhile since i've been there and to williston. I have family in both cities (or

3A+B: It's great to stop the stepping. Protects his Weak side. However, we have to disagree on his SG game. It's just that people can really WHORE out certain moves with certain characters....astaroth's SG game requires a

Zombie: no, it's not guaranteed. however, they CAN'T JI it. They have to take the GC. no matter what. So in essence, you doing that techtrap forces them to eat STUPID damage, or eat health and SG damage.

more to come..i'm at work
Off of CH 6B (far range), 66[K]~T!, 1[A]B (T! or not), 22B is a combo, at least there it can't be teched...
I should have specified, otherwise you are correct, at least the opponent will eat the SCD being a force block and all but I'm sure there are better force blocks off of that situation...
Actually, 44[A] (far range), AB, 66[K]~T!, 1[A]B, 22B kills the opponent, full health tech trap combo, if the 1[A]B is off then 2A+K does the job also...
After 6B stun I would only use 1[A]B for SG damage or some kind of mind game.
Otherwise I have been looking at 6B stun 22[K] 44B partial, if you time it right you get some interesting results.
Zombie: Honestly, i wouldn't even do that techtrap. the end result aren't too too great, especially when your opponet guesses right. if i were to nail 6B CH, then i would simple go for the 22K, 22_88B combo. Now, i would go for the techtrap when i apply the throw. Because the normal combo isn't too too effective because of the scaled damage already, however, making them eat more than 90+ dmg plus the SG damge. now THAT is what makes his game interesting. I am beginning to see that you ARE understanding the mind of CW, (which IS an accomplishment...ask whodat lol)

King: you just fail, but i do like what you've imputted, still fail :D
You could also use CH 6B, 22[K], 214A~T!, the kill-combo I listed is really cool and all but it's not like you'll get it on the trained eye of a pro-player, etc... I understand that, but hey! it's still there... On another note, what are some good SCD followups to 214A (AT, on hit)??? I know some poeple follow it up with 9[B+K], but in all honesty, 9B+K shouldn't really ever be held down for the GB, it is still +0 on grd and I think SC's faster (not sure)... I would dash in for a 1A, seeing as how it is -14 on grd and when used at range is ok on wake-up etc... I think maybe the best thing would be to just hang back in Asta's comfort zone...
Zombie: in that instance....i would either go for B+K or 1A, yea...of course they're obviously slow, but the pushback and the SG damage that both moves cause are rewarded in itself. Especially if you want to keep that distance between you and your opponet after throwing on that much damage already.

lol I see what you mean C-Wing. I know his moves just messing up the inputs...been awhile.

However, most of the stuff you guys are listing, people generally stay on the ground after asta knocks them down, and then everyonce in awhile get-up at least good players do. You avoid a lot more damage by staying grounded.
Asta just like any other character doesn't win by doing a lot of damage, but by pressuring your opponent to make mistakes. So that's why you really won't see good Asta players do crazy drawn out techtraps like that. Even playing Asta for SG damage is generally different, because you lessen the emphasis on his C-throws. And this is because everytime you push or throw your opponent out of range, you will be throwing out moves like A+B or 44B for SG damage instead of getting in close for throw pressure.

If you want something interesting that will work because of how surprising it might be try 22B4 44.
It's nothing free, but most players will assume you missed a combo when you just do 22B4 and they hit the ground.