[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

Brian: We'll see what happens when the game drops. I do find her very interesting. Obviously I have other characters of interest.

Adam: Let me know if you wanna take a road trip.
Songohanx: Oh yes, there is much Culdcept playing that goes on.

B: We will try; I don't think I'd mind a short vacation but I don't get off until Friday mid day and I'd have to be back by Sun night.
coordinate with your friendly neighborhood misato to sort what can be worked out.

I miss yew snookums <3

Also, why are we not playing more Culdcept? "Fat Body!"
/blush. If only I had a serious player to practice with again....cough adam cough. But no, I'm gonna really practice hard with this next game, might have to reach out to these new "younger" calibur players for the comp I need so VERY badly.
I will be playing this, Joe. Hush. I'll be sure to help join you in seeking the "younger" Calibur players. I'm not sure how much I can put up with the meme bullshnite, though.
48 hours of straight SCV sessions in the books.

First impressions:
1. Love the speed of the new system. Sc1 vets should feel the same way.
2. Didn't like the new changes they made to Yoshi at first. But now after playing its easy to adjust.
3. Ex moves add a nice flavor to the game which I had mixed feelings about.
4. When in doubt, pick the dinosaur and spit fire!

Jumping against nightmares CE is no bueno. Ask wilson, he will go into intricate detail.
So yea, how about that Calibur? Maybe we could get a first post update with XBL and PSN tags like on SRK? I'm in Michigan now but the netcode seems ok if anyone wants to play. BlackandRed is my xbl tag.