CaS Review Thread


[14] Master
Ah, CAS...We spend hours drawing out our knight, layering those pocket stickers, and getting those damn feathers just right...all for 3 "likes," 2 "cools," and 1 "meh?" Not anymore (restrictions may apply)! All users may submit one (not 2 and most definitely not 3) creation per week for critical evaluation. This includes original characters, recreations, and even old CaS that never got the attention they (may have) deserved! It will also be extremely helpful for you to include as much of your creation notes as you can so we can fully appreciate (possibly question) every decision behind your design.

Once you submit your request for a review, all users are invited to take the request and write the review within 1 week of the submission date. Priority for writing the reviews will always be given to volunteers. However, if your request for review goes unanswered for a few days, one of three judges (Le_Bello, ThePascuzzi, or myself) will write the review within the 1 week deadline. Just like the Request-to-Go thread, but better since everybody gets to participate, and your request will never go unanswered.

Short story: Submit a CaS or take on a review request.

For anyone who's curious, here's my process of CaS evaluation. You're not required to follow this format for your own reviews, but you may use it as a guideline if you wish:
1. Aesthetics - principles of fashion design: balance, proportion, rhythm, emphasis and unity. Determined by item choice and color coordination.

2. Creativity - utilization of CaS-specific techniques. Includes sticker, clipping, special equipment usage, and much, much more.

3. Coherence - unity of purpose. What is a CaS's theme? How does each piece contribute to this theme? Does this piece need to be there at all?
I like the idea, because it is exactly how i fell about this forum sometimes...only sometimes mind you, it is great most of the time, with great peeps and some superb CAS ;o)
Alright, I'll treat this like the Request to go thread. It has good intent written all over it. Considering everyone is a sloth in this forum(including me) when it comes to looking at CAS. Sometimes as you guys say, certain peeps CAS never get to see the light of day. Before I let this ship sail, I may have to edit the OP a bit.

2 choices
[Notice] I nominate 3 Judges for Aesthetics, Coherence, and Creativity. We'll have to make a small thread for that.


We can do it like Request to go and have anyone become the judge to one person. I could for instance be a client and someone accepts to review my CAS for everyone.[/Notice]

It's up to you, 8wayrunners.
Likes can speak volumes. Good review, people'll click that Like icon. Bad review...yeah. I'm really hoping this is just a setup rather than a legit post :/
So let me try this one.

That Ivy 3P was meant to resemble the one I asked in the Request to Go, but well, I don't think the final result is much like what I wanted, but on it on accord I believe it was fine, but I want to know if it works.

The eye patch is there because I find that works for some reason with this custom in particular.
Roses, you know she uses some Royal rose that I forgot the proper name, and she had some based on it already so, I kept the original boots and gloves because of the fur that also is recurring on it, the colors are simply her signature ones.


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Likes can speak volumes. Good review, people'll click that Like icon. Bad review...yeah. I'm really hoping this is just a setup rather than a legit post :/

Here's my take on this.

Sometimes, people want to improve to compete at times. Generally, friendly competition speaks more volumes than a like. Like is great, yet sometimes a passive thing doesn't necessarily make things better. I could like a discussion post because it's informative and not because he's a jerk for instance. Despite that, the person may never know why I liked a post.

At times though, I have to elucidate why did I like such a thing even if it's a small comment of how I truly feel. I'll also add that while some people make stuff and get lots of likes plus some comments, some people don't get that chance. Either it's the same old thing, they're lazy worked stuff, or it isn't that appealing to get a mention.

With this thread, some people who felt their work got ignored can take one of their best works and ask from a review. In way, this thread is a "help me show-off better CAS." Wandrian, you fall under that category with some poor 8wayrunners who don't get that chance. I mean, iirc I saw your sig with something like help my bad CAS be better.

Imho, you need this my friend.
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@Ramus: Thanks for the entry, dude! You'll have a detailed review in a few days.

@KokoYoshi: While the first plan works well in an academic environment, any plan that requires cooperation and consistence from the online community is headed for trouble. The Request-To-Go format (where any user can choose to do a review) has just the right amount of chaos to work. I'll always give others the chance to volunteer, but if no one takes up the review for some poor bloke, I'll make sure to write it before the one week deadline.
I too like this as it gives you a bench to work off. Although if people put up their beloved we will have to be carefull with the help although i know you guys give advise with the best intensions.
@Ramus: Thanks for the entry, dude! You'll have a detailed review in a few days.

@KokoYoshi: While the first plan works well in an academic environment, any plan that requires cooperation and consistence from the online community is headed for trouble. The Request-To-Go format (where any user can choose to do a review) has just the right amount of chaos to work. I'll always give others the chance to volunteer, but if no one takes up the review for some poor bloke, I'll make sure to write it before the one week deadline.
Thank you sir.
[Notice] Deleted unnecessary stuff. I'll let you guys off on a friendly warning, but please keep it in PMs. [/Notice]
What about a "save one leave one system"? I mean, someone makes a review about one of the characters then he leaves a CAS.

So each person can only Review/leave 1 CAS per week.

For example, now I review Ramus CAS then I post a CAS. Then a person Reviews my stuff and post a CAS. Not the same person would review more than once each week.

There are already 2 characters. We can wait until a couple or so more are summitted (because we need some to start) then start with the "save one leave one" system
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I'll review Ramus, Donutman, and anybody who enters before we have all the rules down. A save-one-leave-one system does encourage certain people to put participate, but it might scare off people who don't feel like writing a review or scare off people who don't have a CaS at hand. For now, I say we stick to the request format.
A save-one-leave-one system does encourage certain people to put participate, but it might scare off people who don't feel like writing a review or scare off people who don't have a CaS at hand. For now, I say we stick to the request format.


Also, Koko what did you mean when you were talking about having 3 judges? Was it to say that people would post a CaS, and then the selected judges would be the ones reviewing?

But for now I'll throw something in here, since nobody visits my thread :P

Hakan the Janissary:
Sorry for the lack of angles. The pics Vil takes are all I have. The boots are just Pat's boots with gold detailing.


I make a small thread and we discuss with some democracy votes for the 3 judges. Just like how many people trust me as CAS mod, I'm looking for those judges to do reviews.

Imho, I find Le Bello, brucege, and ThePascuzzi the best bets. When I read their reviews I'm at ease.

There's also Gatsu but he isn't always judging. However, it's up to him if he wants to help out.

VILARCANE is another candidate, yet I feel he slip in a few things unnecessary.

chobek is in the same boat as Gatsu.

I could also do some judging, however I leave it to peeps decision if they want to be judged by me.

I may have left out others or two, but that's because I'm looking for active CAS artists and now I'm realizing we may be a bit lacking in that.

In my conclusion, I think request to go format is the best way to go. I will have to discuss with a few of you in PMs on how we'll do this format of reviews. So brucege make a PM and invite me, Le Bello, VILARCANE, and anyone else active in CAS forums.
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1. Aesthetics: She's a well-balanced creation. The fur is evenly distributed between the neck, shirt, gloves, and boots. The white is also evenly distributed between the hair, hip, waist, and shoe. The purple and white color scheme is elegant. However, the balance is so prominent that the creation is lacking in rhythm or emphasis. You can change this by doing a number of things. You can try making the skirt white and changing her hair or bow to a completely different color like yellow or blue. You can also try putting some patterns and/or stickers on the top, which is a bit plain. For example, you can use some bump-mapped pocket stickers to simulate a lapel on the shirt. Whatever you choose to do, make sure your outfit has some kind of focal point (head, chest, waist, etc.) to prevent it from looking too much like a uniform. You made an extremely good decision to put on the eye patch. This adds some much needed edge to the rest of her aristocratic outfit. You should also consider giving her even more of an edge by swapping out the fur gloves for some form-fitting gauntlets (like the ancient armor DLC). This will also reduce the outfit's uniformity and slim down those shoulder poofs.

2. Creativity: Very clever of you to link the fur scarf with the raccoon tail to mimic trimming on the blouse. The careful details on the skirt (rose, helix, and giant square?) are also well executed.

3. Coherence: You've certain captured Ivy's feminine side with the color scheme and floral motif, but as I've mentioned before, you can improve the CaS by playing up her edginess. Notice that even her classiest 3P's tend to have some fishnet, rivets, spikes, or good ol' fashioned cleavage.

You have a very good foundation. If you decide to make some updates to your Ivy 3P, I’d love to see it spoilered here on this thread.

So instead of everyone having their say, the thread would be more focused on reviews by community-approved reviewers? I can see where this would work, but also where it could go wrong.
This thread is all about getting meaningful reviews - To that extent I can understand limiting the pool of reviewers to those more, shall we say experienced? Detailed? As it means that people who DO opt in for a review will certainly get one worthwhile.

However one could also argue that people will want a broader range of opinions and thoughts. They may want to see what everyone thinks, and also other members may want to give their opinions, but were not approved or whatever. Often people have something worthwhile to say, even if it's just a couple of sentences.

But I understand the want to cut out posts such as "Yeah it's nice" or "lol it's awful", as they're neither here nor there.
People are here for constructive criticism, so the need to weed out the lacklustre posts is very much there, but at what point does it step on the toes of other, more well-meaning wannabe reviewers? Just a thought.

Just something I felt was worth taking into account?
Thanks for mentioning me, but i will be less and less active for personal reasons.

I don't know what you mean with things unnecessary, probably french words here and there ;o)

Good luck with this thread, sincerely (no 2nd degree there)