Hilde Guide & Strategy Discussion

Ok, after having read this entire soul arena, I had a few questions and thoughts that hopefully someone can comment on.

Why has no one mentioned A+K? I <3 this move. It TJ's, hits mid for 26, covers step in all directions at range (only left at point blank), and its only -6 frames on block... It's a bit slow (i26), but it is my go to TJ when I'm not looking to space.
The one problem with this move is that it's slow. If you're looking to cover step, there are better, faster options. if you're trying to TJ, ACTUALLY jumping is far more effective. Jumping a low and then releasing a C3B beats pretty much every reactable low.
I'm having issues with appropriate follow ups to C2A. Unlike C2B and C3A, the space C2A makes is so large it requires a step in to land almost all of her lows/throws. Right now, I'm using a 2 part mix-up. I either step into throw range and throw/C2_3B/3A/low mix-up, or I do a quick 4_1_7 to bait an interrupt wiff or step for C3_2B. This has been mentioned before, but I just wanted to know if anyone had better options.
ok If you land a C2AA run at them. You get slide kick and charge mixup.
Another issues I have is C3A doom combo vs C3A, 4A+B. I find myself doing the later very often and I see it very rarely in anyone else. The reason is I often find myself releasing C3A while dealing with pressure due to its amazing defensive properties and such, and often I still have C3B charged. I think in this situation it would be a bad idea to G-cancel the B charge because it will waste time both releasing it, and waiting the extra split second for B to charge enough to land C2B,B in combo. It just seems easier to go for C3A, 4A+B. Also, at range, I like to mix-up stepping into throw range with C2_3A/throws/lows and stepping forward, then back stepping and wiff punishing with C2_3B. In a situation like this, charge dumping is fairly easy to spot (bG seems to be her only cancel where she doesn't yell so kG isn't a good bluff if your opponent has realized that, and G-canceling is obvious because I don't think anyone A charge cancels. Please let me know if I'm wrong.) and it wastes time and can result in a lost offensive opportunity. If I cancel, I no longer have the step in step out and wiff punish option, and I'm stuck committing to closing the distance or forgoing the opportunity to attack in order to recharge.
When you land a C3A and have C3B charged, you can do 2 things, take a step forward and release C3B for oki damage.
The option I like best is to run at them. if they stay down you can slide kick them and then run at them again. if they stand up they have to deal with slide/C3B mixup. if they eat a slide kick it resets so that you can run at them again and slide again.
I decided that it would be a good idea to practice Hilde without charges for a bit to get a better grasp of 0 charge options (this has something to do with why I <3 A+K so much). What I noticed more than anything is that she has a god damn ton of useful lows @_@ and without the burden of holding charges, it was kind of hard to choose between them sometimes >_< so I'm going to list her lows and list when I feel they should be used, and hopefully someone will tell me I'm wrong and correct me lol
Hilde's lows are good. 1K and 1K~K are nasty, 2A+K can RO on CH, 2A+BK can RO. 1B is good retreat, 99_33B is a decent long range poke and 2B+K is nigh unseeable.

Finally... Why does my CAS
Its CAS. of course there are issues.
I have a question, when playing with hilde generally, are combos a fundamental or can you play by just block/whiff punishing (with her charge/general moves), I can do her basic combos etc, it's just the charge stuff I need to master consistently so I choose to just turtle and punish accordingly...

Hilde is the master of Turtle punish... If your opponent was going to use anything -21 or worse...
You're better off taking a fairly evasive game with her and learning her doom combo. Sidestepping a move and then punishing them with the threat of ring out changes how every other character can play.
Yes you can Turtle punish with her normals, in-fact she has quite a lot she can punish with - but problem is that the reward is usually 10-25 damage and +1-3 frames. Best moves to punish with in order of speed are: -
It requires 30 in game seconds of charging. If you were to charge from the start of the round with a 60 sec counter, you would have to wait until the counter reads 29 before you can use it .
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