Hilde vs Character Name (Match ups)


[08] Mercenary
Right, as there's no such thread in here yet, I thought just make one to get my question out.

Although there are a lot of Characters I have trouble playing against, it seems I am completely lost against Talim. I read somewhere else that Talim should be light breakfast for Hilde... not for my Hilde it seems. It took me about 5 matches to win once and that was more luck and randomly using moves that didn't make sense to throw her off than anything else.

I thought the easiest way to go against Talim would be to whiff punish her with C2/C3B as she uses that back hop into a forward dash move thingy (mid & low mix up dunno if there's a high in there as well). But I can't seem to get enough space in first to actually not get hit by her. Next attempt was to step it, but then I either eat a horizontal or she connects with a turn around move (either low or mid) before I can attack. I basically described the whole match right there already.

So once she's connected a move I end up in a block lock as even 6A+K doesn't seem to work, her constantly being crouched... and any low/mid move I have seems to be too slow, and that's where I usually die then.

Please help me, for my sanity's sake! :(

Original Piece by Runis
Cassandra's 6B reaches you and can punish.

No 2 - What is she punishing of yours? Most of Hilde's stuff is safe. Do you mean she's countering you?
Since you mentioned punish, Try to guarantee stuff. Don't use moves which are easily punishable. most of Hilde's good moves are either safe or give frames. Stop using the bad stuff.

No 3 - Is she countering you?
The difference between a punish and a counter, is that a punish is a move that after having blocked a move, your move is guaranteed. A counter is a move that either
A. Is Faster than
B. Crouches
C. Steps
D. Jumps
Your move. Most of Hilde's stuff is safe, but the things which are likely to give you good frames are slow and obvious. Her charges, whilst good, ARE STEPABLE. Even C3A can be stepped. Look at how your opponent is countering you.
Is it Cassandra's 2B+K, crouch throw? It's fast and tech crouches. But it's -11 on block. Cassandra doesn't have a i11 move so when she does that, use A+B/C3A/C3B and gain advantage/Spacing.

To make this thread worthwhile I'll keep on updating the first post in a Q: blabla? | A: blabla! sort of style. All input will be greatly appreciated.
Key to beating talim with any character, is spacing. All her moves are very short range. Try to 1B often for some good spacing. Anythign else, you might just not be used to her attacks.
Ex: "(mid & low mix up dunno if there's a high in there as well)"
I found that 7_8K is godly against Talim. Since most Talim players like to mix up her evasions, along with her throws and lows, that's a great move for escaping pressure. 2A and 6A+K are also excellent choices, since a lot of her attacks have extra animation which can be punished.

In general, Talim has been the hardest character for me to launch. Even in the times when the moves did connect, she was usually airborne or had evaded to the side so that my combo whiffed. I eventually realized that I was having more success fishing for counter-hits and punishing than I was trying to combo her.
Hilde vs Cassie

I just cannot keep this girl out of my face. None of my moves seem to be able to compete with her close-range punishes, and it's not at all hard for her to close in from mid range. How do I fight her? =O
Against Cass,

Cass' 6B reaches you and can punish.

No 2 - What is she punishing of yours? Most of Hilde's stuff is safe. Do you mean she's countering you?
Since you mentioned punish, Try to guarantee stuff. Don't use moves which are easily punishable. most of Hilde's good moves are either safe or give frames. Stop using the bad stuff.

No 3 - Is she countering you?
The difference between a punish and a counter, is that a punish is a move that after having blocked a move, your move is guaranteed. A counter is a move that either
A. Is Faster than
B. Crouches
C. Steps
D. Jumps
Your move. Most of Hilde's stuff is safe, but the things which are likely to give you good frames are slow and obvious. Her charges, whilst good, ARE STEPABLE. Even C3A can be stepped. Look at how your opponent is countering you.
Is it the Cass 2B+K, Crouch throw? It's fast and tech crouches. But it's -11 on block. Cass doesn't have a i11 move so when she does that, use A+B/C3A/C3B and gain advantage/Spacing.

I'll post some other stuff (Counters) later, but that's the main things I can think of right now. Other people will probably have more.
Against Cass,

Cass' 6B reaches you and can punish.

No 2 - What is she punishing of yours? Most of Hilde's stuff is safe. Do you mean she's countering you?
Since you mentioned punish, Try to guarantee stuff. Don't use moves which are easily punishable. most of Hilde's good moves are either safe or give frames. Stop using the bad stuff.

No 3 - Is she countering you?
The difference between a punish and a counter, is that a punish is a move that after having blocked a move, your move is guaranteed. A counter is a move that either
A. Is Faster than
B. Crouches
C. Steps
D. Jumps
Your move. Most of Hilde's stuff is safe, but the things which are likely to give you good frames are slow and obvious. Her charges, whilst good, ARE STEPABLE. Even C3A can be stepped. Look at how your opponent is countering you.
Is it the Cass 2B+K, Crouch throw? It's fast and tech crouches. But it's -11 on block. Cass doesn't have a i11 move so when she does that, use A+B/C3A/C3B and gain advantage/Spacing.

I'll post some other stuff (Counters) later, but that's the main things I can think of right now. Other people will probably have more.

I'll add this to the top post if that's ok?
Ok, I actually tested some other stuff vs Cass.

Against her B+K, B - The Second B can be aGI'd by C3A.
Against Cass's 4BB:A (by itself, and not in a combo. ie. you're standing and are blocking) - If your block the first two hits. you can just-duck the just frame and punish with a just-stand C3B combo. (Yes it's THAT dangerous for her to do.)
Against Cass 236B - 8K punishes for 22 damage. 92 if you wall splat then back throw her.

Against Sieg -
3KK is usually pretty good for him, since if we're hold A, we can't beat it.
New fact - that's not true - Step right and C3A will beat every option he has bar B+K into basehold. But, step right into 22_88KA beats everything period.

I'll be back with even more later.
Did this topic die already? Also I still don't get how to fight Talim, even after some pretty long 'Training Mode' & PSN sessions >.>
I'm currently in the process (Long process, and I'm lazy so it's taking forever) of writing down every punish against every character using Hilde. This includes counters, on react scenario's involving charge-dropping.
One thing I would like though, is if someone could perform the moves and video it. I don't have a capture card or anything.
Well, for the sake of keeping the thread alive, I'll put this out here.

:sc4hil1: vs :sc1ast1:

How are you supposed to space against this guy?
I'm currently in the process (Long process, and I'm lazy so it's taking forever) of writing down every punish against every character using Hilde. This includes counters, on react scenario's involving charge-dropping.
One thing I would like though, is if someone could perform the moves and video it. I don't have a capture card or anything.

If you give me the list, I'd be happy to do it. :)
Ugh... this is getting overbearing and rather annoying. If people want to help, I would greatly appreciate if you could test move properties of different characters so I can create a much more thorough Counter's list. Best way to help me with this is to first look at a move. See if it's more than one hit, if it is - are the 2nd/3rd hits GI'able? can the be aGI'd by C3A? Can you evade it? Jump/Duck/Step, after the first hit block stun? Does it beat Tech-Crouch/Tech-Jump? Can you throw someone out of it?
If it's just 1 hit, is it slow? Can you react to it easily? Does evading (Jump/step/crouch) guarantee good damage (C3B etc)? Does it beat TC/TJ/TS?
Need to know this stuff before I can apply it to counter situation. An example is Sieg's 3. very common in use, but after he uses it, you can step to the right (Avoiding the K if he does KK out of stance) and C3A beating - the 2nd K out of stance, the A out of stance, A+B out of stance, B out of stance. If it wasn't possible to step the first K, the counter would be useless.
Also, I don't usually go up against every single character, so I don't know what sort of strategies and moves most people generally tend to use.
Runis said:
Here's the list so far - Amy , asta and algol.
Only got the counter list for amy since I cbf testing step, jump, crouch and agi vs every move right now. that takes ages.
Updated to include cass punishes AND counters.

I am gonna record these tonight and put them up on my youtube account if that's ok with you, I'll credit you both in the description as well as the vid itself (goes without saying though lol).

Let me know if that's cool and I'll start once I get back home after dinner tonight.
Hey, the commission was for a Vid.
but this is no where near completed. heck aGI C3A by itself could be a 30 min vid.
Punish and Counter's list (C means has counters)-
Amy(C), Algol, Asta, Cass(C), Cervy.


  • Hilde List.doc
    37 KB · Views: 642
Hey, the commission was for a Vid.
but this is no where near completed. heck aGI C3A by itself could be a 30 min vid.

My idea was to do it character by character, like start with Amy, and so on and so forth, but after I started yesterday - I soon realized how much of a pain this is... meh! So I'll dedicate a bit more time to it on Saturday (day time), as I should be free until 6pm that day. Unless you'd rather not do it that way?
No That's fine. I was just saying that the C3A parts by themselves could probably take ages. Also, there's alot of stuff here which I've left out deliberately. Most of the time when I say "AA" can punish, 6A+K can as well. It really depends on whether you damage from the punish, or frames, but getting that analitical would take even longer, and would confuse most people, so I just went for "most damaging" and "whether A or B is being charged"