Ivy Videos

Prepare for noobiness.

Posting up vids. Definitely not my greatest ones, but it's new-(ish)!

Ivy vs Cassandra

Ivy vs Taki

Ivy Vs Soph/Taki

Damnit why was I not invited??!!!!! Please invite me next time you guys session, I'd like to play.
Good, that's a lot of videos, I will comment as soon as I watch them. Eli, 214B for life?xD
lol my Toronto community really hates that move, they dub it as the finishing move.
Looking forward to the comments
Partisan, lol. You shouldn't have deleted your post. Good tactic actually, I used that vs Malek and it worked well haha.

Franman, I posted my ideas in the Cervy SA.

Eli, yeah if 214B is working like that then use it. Only it will most likely stop working someday because people will learn to anticipate it and punish it. IMO this move works best when used on rare occasions. If you plan on going to Devastation, I think you should rethink your 214b usage. There are characters that can punish it so hard that it's not even funny (like Sophitia)

You could use more CL backstep in your gameplay and some more SG pressure. Especially take advantage of the latter one, I didn't see much red blinking health bars in your matches. Use more WP 6B+K . it's a great tool to have, some characters are powerless against it and some can punish it but 90% of Ivy players get away with it anyway lol. I believe you could have won the match vs Voldo if you played more defensively and patiently. You don't really want to be in Voldo's face, a lot of Ivy's moves work badly vs him due to his hitbox and super TC properties (he can somehow "go under" vertical mids as well) his BT stance is powerful, best to backstep him to get out of BS 1A and 3B range. When you happen to find youself close, watch out for his BS A+B move which has good aGI (I don't remember exactly its impact properties, but I think high/mid moves that aren't stabs and kicks) 4K is a good option here.
Yea for 214B I don't want to get in the habit of spamming that when every I am in trouble. During this session I didn't apply enough SG damage. For WP 6B+K I am nervous using this against some of my opponents, as they are in mid range or are stepping/8wayrunning. But I'll try to use this move more.

I will Backdash more aginst Voldo. But I still have a hard time when he is in your face. What is his weak side, I know you can step his BS 1A in one direction and his 1A in the other. And what are other strategies to do if he in your face and your in SW/CL/WP.

Most of the time when Voldo's does BS 3B they go for BS A+B after if 3B is block, so I'll use some TC move like 4K or something in that situation.

BS 1A seems stepable only at close range. At mid range it tracks both sides. A lot of his attacks have strange tracking properties, they can vary greatly depending on range. I don't know if he has any weak side because of that. You should definitely try backstep because you have two great tools to counter his BT whiffs: SW 6A+B and CL 6A+B. With these you can punish his whiffs for almost 100dmg and what's more they are TC (will avoid his BT evasive grabs) with "stab" property (stab moves are immune to his aGI).

His moves like BS 3B are imba (note that if you get hit on CH by this move, always try to JF ukemi just before Ivy hits the ground to reduce the damage!), there's really no reason to stay up close when he's backturned. Ivy has a few moves at her disposal that will turn him away on hit (or block) so you can force him to leave BT. These move are SW 22_88A, CL 22_88A and WP A+B. The last one will turn him around on block only, but it's super unsafe so I don't recommend it. I'd go with CL 22A, it has most range and it's the fastest one.

My personal strategy here is to use as many pushback moves as possible (WP 6B+K, CL1B,B+K, CL 6B etc) and stay away from him for the most part, he is super safe so you won't be able to punish much with SWord. Backstep him in BT and whiff punish. He has a weak step and terrible backdash, but he can use 4A+K as a backdash replacement.

I don't know who was responsibile for Voldo's balancing but he failed.
Thank you Ring.
During my last session with Dino I kept back dashing and the punish any whiffs with SW or CL 6A+B it work so well. But I guess in this session I was too aggressive and trying to be in people's faces and spamming 214B. I was try to force my game instead of reacting/countering what my opponent does.

But very intresting point about SW 22_88A and CL 22_88 to force him to turn around. I will deffiently do this. Now I need to practise the JF ukemi for BS 3B.

Yea Voldo is complete BS.
I don't really feel like I have any place giving input in this forum, but I'll vouch for backdashing working against Voldo's BS. Often times, it seems like even when you block something out of BS or a transition that puts him in BS such as 4A, those negative frames he is supposedly at don't mean much for you and backdashing is one of the best things you can do.

Let me put it this way; if my character can take handily take advantage of the situation by backdashing, Ivy most certainly can. I hate to say it, but I think Voldo was a small reason that one of our local Ivy players, 350z, doesn't play the game much anymore.
This is sad to hear. I was wondering why I don't see Larry here at all lately, same on PSN.

Hopefully in the next game he will focus more on matchups instead of iCS/SS.
This is probably gonna sound really dumb but if I get caught in SW stance while Voldo is backturned, I like to use 22K after blocking one of his moves, unless it has insane pushback.

22K stops BS grab, BS A+B, and BS 1A. :)

Like what you guys said, if I'm in CL/WP I just turtle with pushback moves because his step is crap. I backdash at advantage frequently just out of fear. ;*(
This is sad to hear. I was wondering why I don't see Larry here at all lately, same on PSN.

Hopefully in the next game he will focus more on matchups instead of iCS/SS.

Well, to be honest, Larry disliked SCIV from the start. He really preferred SCIII. But I've witnessed him have so much difficulty in handling Sporko's Voldo that it pretty much drove him to the brink of insanity. Other than that he's a busy guy with his personal life and girlfriend, so I'm sure that's the main reason he's scarcely playing SCIV anymore.

Noface: Ivy's 22K sounds like a great idea against his BS. Beats a lot of the important options, like you listed.
Thanks for the help. I'll be sure to this next time.
Khent that sucks, Larry was a really cool guy. The times when I was down at the states and he was there, he'd alway give me points or strategies on use CS/SS effectively. When I was fairly new to traveling I was afraid to do CS/SS because I thought my opponent would just break it or duck and punish. But seeing Larry play and what he told me help build my confidence in using this move. He told me some advice that I keep to this day, that the onus is on the opponent to break it. Some time they don't break it, but if they do so what, you just need make your opponents fearful of CS/SS.
Well I hope I can meet him again some time in the future either in SC4 lifetime or the next game.
So most likely you guys have seen these matches.

:sc4cas1: VS.:sc4ivy1:
Partisan VS. Eli123s Part 1
Partisan VS. Eli123s Part 2

:sc1ast1: VS. :sc4ivy1:
Partisan VS. Eli123s Part 1
Partisan VS. Eli123s Part 2
Partisan VS. Eli123s Part 3
Partisan VS. Eli123s Part 4

:sc2mit2: VS. :sc4ivy1:
Partisan VS. Eli123s Part 1
Partisan VS. Eli123s Part 2

So any criticism or things I should work on or look out for.
Angaist the Cass, I was playing way to aggresivem and mainly in her face. We later went all the way to ft50 and I pulled through by changing my style. And I will post them if they become avaiable.

I need some Anit-Asta advise. After looking at the matches I realized I was jumping way to much and getting airgrabed, and it cost me rounds. But anyother things you notices I did wrong, or how should I go about fighting Asta.

More matches will be added later. Also thanks for the advice against Voldo. It is working very well, but I still need to use more of CL 22A against him when he is BS
Eli: Watched a part of your Asta videos. My personal take on it is that you should use CL more against Asta. His fastest and most damaging options are close range, so push him out with CL 6B and keep him in arms length. Ideally, the only time he should ever come close is when he has to use bullrush -- making the Asta's gameplay fairly easy to predict. I don't know whether it was only because I watched one part, but most of his comebacks came from just being too close in SW.

PS. That jump into SW 22K was matrix-sick. Good shit.