Just curious, what do you think of the A+K evades?


Big Gimpin
Just what the title says. Do you use them? How useful do you feel they are? Or anything else you feel like saying about them.
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

I honestly don't, but that doesn't mean they aren't good. I saw a neat setup the other day where a Voldo used a 4A+K to back away from an attack, and strung it into the FC/CR A+B unblockable. I guess, much like alot of retreat moves, it has its uses, but I can't be sure if A+K is good enough to use a ton, nor can I figure out what Mystery Dance really does...
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

I use A+K alot you can also string A+K into 4A+K when most people see the A+K when i play they rush because most people have no clue what im doing. From there a 4A+K and A+B which is some quick damage. Most players I play also have no idea that you can duck under that so they get hit by it everytime I do it.

As for 8A+K I use that to dodge Cervantes's 6A+B and punish him with 6A+K A+B A+K B it works nicely other than those though they arent that useful good for mix ups and transitions to MCFT and CR.

Its better against people who don't know Voldo otherwise not that useful as far as ive seen
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

I live and die by A+K evades.

I almost think this move deserves it's own study thread, but I'll wait and see.

The beauty is 4A+K, it's an amazing back-dash that evades several character's strings and setups, and while Voldo's normal back-dash isn't that great, this instead goes a huge distance and doesn't result in counter hit while doing it. That alone warrants at least 'some' use.

An example of when I use the evade is against Amy ~ If you're used to sight-seeing the setups of her B+K,B then you'll step it just fine ~ But if you're short on time, you can still easily 2_8A+K out of it and still be safe.

It's a fantastic move if you use it correctly =)

Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

The A+K dance only dodges 1 hit, so you could use it to matador Cervy off of a cliff =D Then again, if he was in any trajectory to fall off a cliff, he'd do it even if you got hit...

You could go 2_8[A]+[K]~2_8 to side-dodge into DR FT. You might surprise someone by going 2_8[A]+[K]~2_8, DR FT A+K for a sudden, spastic low, and also to put yourself at DR HT.
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Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

I live and die by A+K evades.

I almost think this move deserves it's own study thread, but I'll wait and see.

The beauty is 4A+K, it's an amazing back-dash that evades several character's strings and setups, and while Voldo's normal back-dash isn't that great, this instead goes a huge distance and doesn't result in counter hit while doing it. That alone warrants at least 'some' use.

It's a fantastic move if you use it correctly =)


Agreed. 4A+K is my friend.
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

After some hard core playing last night, I realised how much I actually use all the A+K moves other than A+K it self but instead of blocking I use 2_8 A+K to dodge verticals and ive become better with the timing I also start out with 6A+K into MC although it doesnt work every time when it does i get some serious damage right away
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

In my experience, A+K and all variations of 6A+K are worthless. 4A+K is very good, while I have not been spending a whole lot of time playing SC4 recently due to gearing up my DK in WoW when I have been playing SC4 offline and in training mode it's been experimenting with what mixups or setups 4A+K can get out of. Sadly Amy's 6B series beats out the evades but I've had some success with other traps.

2_8A+K are best suited as punishment for multi-hit verticals, such as Mitsurugi's 66BB and Lizardman's WR KKK. I am still searching for more moves that 2_8A+K allows free punishment.
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

4A+K_4[A+K] is awesome.

ive never found a good use for A+K or 6A+K. any situation where these moves are useful, voldo seems to have better options. if the evasion of A+K didnt leave you at such a huge disadvantage, i could see it being very useful.
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

4A+K seems practical but I don't think much of the other ones (especially regualer A+K)
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

You find it practical now after you saw me use is like mad lol

Yes, but you only use it to go into CR, it needs to be used more effectively as a backdash evade into CR or 2A+B or other such nonsense. You get the idea, though.
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

Ya I can calisto rush effectively now I realized I was hitting the wrong buttons doin 632 not 236 lol
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

For me those evades are the basic for playing efficiently with Voldo.Good using 8A+K takes pracitice but its worth itm it leads you to good damage opportunities, BS 8A+K is even better beacuse sometimes it can evade some short horizontals and BS 8A+K 8 puts you in Mantis Carwl Head Forward. 4A+K and 8A+K i use in three situations; before opponent strike, after blocking moves that push you backward to lenghten the distance[4A+K] , and to evade particular techniques ex. Cerv B,B,B - 2 hits on block, then 8A+K
Asta B,B ; A,B - 1st block then 8A+K
Mistu 6B,B -1st block, 8A+K
Amy 3K,B - 1st block then 2A+K
..........and many many more :D
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

Maxi's strings are predictable enough to toss in a quick evade here and there... and man, that 4A+K avoids so much shit and leads to either the 2A+B sequences or A+B, 2A+B CRB_K dmg... I love it!
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

I also like to provoke players by canceling CR and then evade 236G,4A+K looks quite cool.
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

Definatley good against setups like iMCF and Asta's knee (6K)... Frame data on these would be very nice...
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

It has some valuable uses that I will only reveal one of them that no one else is able to do. Specifically, against Darth Vader, if Vader hits you with 6BBg A+B, and you get into that stun just before the unblockable comes out... You all know what I'm talking about, right? You think you are pretty much screwed and are eating the unblockable for free. Right? Well, all you have to do is shake the stun then 2_8A+K and the unblockable whiffs. That in itself makes this a valuable move. It also works with other setups as well.
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

Yh its caught me out loads of times. I was playing a good voldo the other day and they seemed to use it quite a bit.
Just curious, what do you think of the A+K eva

i use the 2_8 A+K after blocked 236 B. the evade will put you out of throws range and take you out of harms way.