Raph in new patch.

Soul Sorel

[03] Disciple
Take a look, WS BB nerf...



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I will start using 46...

F... sportmanship.
PrepB46A will be i12 on prep B block won't it?

Also the buff on SEA is something i don't get.
I Always used SEA CH to force opponent blocking 66(B+K) but now we can combo out of it.
That is my priority in tests since 66B+K is still the same on block
Pretty sure Prep BK won’t knock down anymore. This is a small deal though as I’ve found iPrep BK to be most useful after WR BB.

SE A change could be huge, but the 66B+K nerf worries me above all else.
Me and my circle have generally considered him pretty strong in this iteration. I think the changes look super mild to be honest, and could work out as an altogether buff. Best to see how these changes actually work out. The B+KB nerf is fully justified and the buffs to SE A and SC 8AB look exciting.

The only thing that seems to be hit are WR BB (what are you doing using this while your opponent is neutral?) and Prep BK (rarely seen outside of iPrep combo.)

I DARE say that he was improved somewhat. I’m super excited about my Prep B+K not coming out as Prep K all the time.
I think the Prep BK nerf is more important than you give it credit for. 6B iPrep BK is quite a bit worse now, which not only nerfs his best standing punish, but also 22A, 22AA and AG AB, as all of those combo into 6B. It also weakens 4B and 66B on NH, as those combo into Prep BK as well, which especially matters for 66B as it was a good punish against some things (Mina 22B for example).

They also added scaling to WR BB, which means we get less damage on punished lows (and mids that make you recover in crouch, like Geralt's 66BB). I'm also wondering if that change to 6BBB that introduces scaling after the first hit also affects 6B iPrep BK; I hope it doesn't.

That said, depending on what we get from CH SE A and SC 8AB he might not end up much weaker. I'm certainly glad that WR BB iPrep K (and WR BB iPrep CE) still works, and that 6B iPrep is still +2 on block. And of course, he's not the only character to be changed, so he may end up stronger overall. And yeah, I agree that he's been anything but weak so far.
Well they are nerfing raphael CE in january .... look at patch official thread…
Talking about lazy workarounds....

found the english version it was REVERSAL edge nerf. not CE.
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Still curios of what wich combo will we get after SEA…. its quite game changing.
Also SC buffs since raph seems to be the worst soulcharge in the game

Yet i don t see raph doing any good in tournaments lately… 66B+K uncalled nerf won't surely help.
They should ve at least buffed the move damage.
Expecially since collision glitches hurts raph a lot...
Viola didn't do too well in tournaments either. He is high excecution / high reward - not a good thing for a tournament where nerves run high and you've potentially just stepped out of a car for the first time in 3/4 hours.

He can now use 6B variants after CH SE A. 6BB:B seems to be best.

I love the new prep BK, it can still knock back in stun combos, but after WR BB and 6B it just staggers back. Seems fair and effective, with new mixup opportunities and much better tracking and duck crush. You even get a 4A+BA on w! - I just can't 2K WR BB Prep BK loop anymore!

SC 8AB is weird. Seems to combo into Prep 6K from a side hit/wall present (rarely 6KK,) and Prep 6B (best,) / Prep 6A / Prep B / CE. It kinda reminds me of the 1B combos in terms of being a stun that doesn't look like a stun. I didn't try any non-Prep combos when I saw 6B didn't work.
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CH SE A, 6B46,BBB,2K works 56 dmg
CH SE A, 6B46,BK works nice stun from K 45 dmg

WSBB 46BK NERF DMG i think now is beter BB prep and set up
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Now we have ring out combos thx to the new prep BK animation!!!

Try when opponent near RO do B+K (evade), B4~6, 6K, BBB4~6BK !!!

And if they side step right when RO in the back do Shadow Evade A, 6B4~6BK
you lose about 5 dmg from the 66B+K combo so its not that major.

B+K B evade come took a huge hit.
Went from 79 dmg to about 45 dmg, and thats including two iPR and 2 JFs
My impressions after testing the changes myself:

  • Form Dodge B was indeed hit the hardest, the damage nerf is very substantial and makes the damage difference between doing B+KB iPrep 6B and B+KB iPrep 6K BB:B iPrep BB:B negligible IMO.
  • 66B+K nerf is small and mostly irrelevant, given that most characters got scaling nerfs on launchers. That said, b4 66(B) Prep A(B) Prep KK:B outdamages the 66B+K combo after LH 46B now, so it's definitely worth doing if you weren't already.
  • Same with WR BB. You lose 9 damage on the optimal combo and 5 damage on WR BB iPrep BK. WR BB iPrep CE was hit the hardest, the damage's gone down by 17 (to 71).
  • Prep BK change is interesting. It seems to be -2 on hit, which sucks, but isn't that bad against most characters (as 6B wins clashes against i12 AAs), but being able to RO and W! in stun combos is awesome and something I felt Raph sorely lacked before. Also, it enables new wall combos, like 66A+B W! BB:B iPrep BK W! BB:B iPrep BB:B - 123 damage (!). The problem is that for Prep BK to W! you have to be at a specific angle with the wall slightly to your right rather than straight ahead. Still, I'd say it's worth going for.
  • SE A buff is great, having a longe range anti-step option out of SE that's actually threatening is great. Also, you can use it after CH 3(B) to ring out to your left, but that seems very hard to confirm into unless you're doing it after a Guard Break.
  • SC 8AB seems +6 on block when going into Prep. The move is still kinda slow, but way better now. It's also no longer punishable if you don't go into Prep (it used to be -16 lol). And you get a seemingly guaranteed Prep 6B on hit.

Overall, I'm positively surprised. He kind of seems better than before.

I love the new prep BK, it can still knock back in stun combos, but after WR BB and 6B it just staggers back. Seems fair and effective, with new mixup opportunities and much better tracking and duck crush. You even get a 4A+BA on w!

I tried 4A+BA and it got ukemi'd consistently (by Talim, haven't tested other chars yet). 2A+B seems to work though.
  • SE A buff is great, having a longe range anti-step option out of SE that's actually threatening is great. Also, you can use it after CH 3(B) to ring out to your left, but that seems very hard to confirm into unless you're doing it after a Guard Break.
Could you explain the ringout thing?
I can t seem to understand it.
How can i CH 3B?
Do you mean if opponent Attacks after being hit by SEA?
Also how much frames did it get? with +12 3B will be steppable (starts at 4 doesn t it?) with anything better it won't.
Could you explain the ringout thing?
I can t seem to understand it.
How can i CH 3B?
Do you mean if opponent Attacks after being hit by SEA?
Also how much frames did it get? with +12 3B will be steppable (starts at 4 doesn t it?) with anything better it won't.

No, I mean if you connect with a CH 3(B), you have enough time to combo into SE A in order to get a ring out.
Little question.
Wich is the new best combo after 66(B+K)?
tried AGB and followup and AGK:K etc and seems to do the same damage.
You try to do nice wall combo the best move to start is A+B wall then BBB46BK WALL 66A+B,6A+B, 214B :)
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