Tira Network Test move discussion


[10] Knight
Happy she is looking like scv.

Apparently reversal edge k gives guaranteed mood change on successful hit.



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I wish we had more control over her mood changes, like how she was pre-patch SCV. But, I guess she'd be too strong. While I don't like relying on chance and randomness, as long as both Jolly and Gloomy are equally useful, it won't be a problem. Sure, Gloomy may dominate a battle, but what about Jolly? What does she bring to the table in this new game?
Good to know the CE will be like SC5 in that it does do more damage in Gloomy and in Jolly you end in Gloomy.

@18:00, I love her stance while waiting for the RE inputs.. just spinning her blade. <3

You seem to force into gloomy at 40% and then back to jolly at around 10%. I wonder if they won't let you go back to Gloomy.

Jolly definitely seems to have some good tools.
- 44A has a B mixup instead of the high/low options. (@16:37)
- 66A.A seems to do more damage. (@16:40)
- She's got a SC3 kick chain, I'm assuming 66K.K, back. (@17:20)
- A+B's self damage seems very minimal (@17:29)
- A has a A.K after? So like.. A.A.K? It's a mid then a kick, seems interesting. (@18:52)

- 44K seems to do quite a bit more damage. Hopefully they either removed the Guard Crush or moved it to the second hit so it's more useful. In SC5 the first hit broke and you got like 10 damage. >.< (@17:53)
- 4K and 666B both self-damage, and the post-match self damage also falls off the HP bar now/again. (@17:39)
- CE damage proportions seem a bit off.. everything's fairly weak until she slides them.. and that's like.. major... weird. (@18:11)
- 6A has a followup that looks similar to her finishing move from the SC5 GS CE. (@18:24)
Good to know the CE will be like SC5 in that it does do more damage in Gloomy and in Jolly you end in Gloomy.

@18:00, I love her stance while waiting for the RE inputs.. just spinning her blade. <3

You seem to force into gloomy at 40% and then back to jolly at around 10%. I wonder if they won't let you go back to Gloomy.

Jolly definitely seems to have some good tools.
- 44A has a B mixup instead of the high/low options. (@16:37)
- 66A.A seems to do more damage. (@16:40)
- She's got a SC3 kick chain, I'm assuming 66K.K, back. (@17:20)
- A+B's self damage seems very minimal (@17:29)
- A has a A.K after? So like.. A.A.K? It's a mid then a kick, seems interesting. (@18:52)

- 44K seems to do quite a bit more damage. Hopefully they either removed the Guard Crush or moved it to the second hit so it's more useful. In SC5 the first hit broke and you got like 10 damage. >.< (@17:53)
- 4K and 666B both self-damage, and the post-match self damage also falls off the HP bar now/again. (@17:39)
- CE damage proportions seem a bit off.. everything's fairly weak until she slides them.. and that's like.. major... weird. (@18:11)
- 6A has a followup that looks similar to her finishing move from the SC5 GS CE. (@18:24)

Wow this is epic analysis! Thanks! Love that she has soul Calibur 3 looking stuff.
Based on the cheat sheet previously posted, I'm pretty sure 666B is now 66A+B, but..

I was wondering what the hell it was... Suppose I can handle a button change based on that sweet sweet genocide damage.

Wonder is there a soul charge version or 666a+b....

Tomorrow is coming! 😍
New moves

44A+B and B B for more hits
4BBB - First two hits are NC and even on CH
4BAB - same as above. useless
6BB and 3B+K
4A+B - has auto step

6B - also comes out on 6AB string and third hit on BBB.
4A+B. This is her SCV 66A but with no BA.

Returning moves.

66A+B. SCIV 33A
11_44_77 B and - Launcher from SC3.

Moves with different notations.

Grim Reaper is now 1B+K for JS
SCV JS 4B is there but i cant tell what it is now.
GS WR K - is now updraft K.
GS 66A+B - SCV 666B
B+K - old A+B

Soul Charge

66AAA - Does not knockdown. Third hit is a BA.
66BB - same as SCV
236K - same as SCV


There should be more SC moves.
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Gloomy has a state similar to Nightmare's Terror Charge, however hers lets you continue to use BEs until you transition to Jolly. I'm not sure what causes it as I've seen it proc a few times. Seems to be kind of a reversal factor in that when you're losing, it comes? I dunno.

JS 4B.(A/B) has a K as an option, it's a low kick with knockdown (SC4 GS 6bK), so the mixup isn't entirely useless. It just needs to be used wisely.

SC5 JS 4B is now JS b4 and they also brought back JS b8 from SC4.

More SC moves:
GS 66A+B
GS 6B.B (also 6A.B.B or B.B.B.B)
New moves

44A+B and B B for more hits
4BBB - First two hits are NC and even on CH
4BAB - same as above. useless
6BB - Pretty good
4A+B - has auto step

6B - also comes out on 6AB string and third hit on BBB.
4A+B. This is her SCV 66A but with no BA.

- Tira's SCVI JS 4B Series was her SCIII 22_88B Series.
- Tira JS 4A+B was her SCIII 2B+K.
- Tira's GS 6B, 6AB(2nd Hit), & BBB(3rd Hit) was the last part of her SCV GS CE.
- Tira's GS A+B was her SCIV:BD A+B+K.
I feel like it's harder to get into gloomy than in previous games, and she switches back to jolly pretty easily. I haven't really explored options that switch her moods though.
Didn't take long for someone to steal that from me. lmao

I got a 25 hit combo against Voldo with it, but the stream was decaying and the quality is abysmal
Does anyone know the purple aura work? Looks like after Gloomy CE or Gloomy B+KKK, Tira get access to purple aura Gloomy that could BE for free. It gone while Gloomy gone or after a few BE use.
About the mood swings. I've been playing her in the beta and sometimes getting to gloomy is near impossible, while other times it happens quick and then it sticks.
It also happened to me receiving a multi hit attack from Talim (I think) that she changed back and forth.
There are more moves that have a possibility to change this time though.
From what I hear/see, it seems like you have to transition X amount of times between personalities. Once you meet that goal, you have a random chance of entering that mode, giving you unlimited GS BEs until you transition to Jolly.