Xiba Video Thread

REM will GI Maxi's GB kick from RO (pretty sure, anyway). Free 70+ damage combos from that.
Not enough 2A after his BB.
Also need more 22A, maybe 66A.

Mainly I'd say it was lack of Maxi knowledge... that's how Maxi is.
The only shenanigan I really got away with consistently was being able to loop after 4BB to RC and then to RO. (Terrible habit of mine.) The transition to RC from 4BB, AA, BB etc is dog slow and he's ripe for an interrupt then. Maxi's pretty much forced to guess a counter move from there if expecting immediate retaliation.

RCK will tc high's. The problem is it's slow. It loses badly to quick B attacks.
RC A is the mid that leads into the BE (this can be ch'ed before it connects)
RC B is the jumping overhand strike that tj's (Also slow. Not hard to stop as long as the Maxi wasn't baiting a low.)
There's the aGI and G cancel as Maxi's remaining alternatives.

In the open field his aGI isn't terribly dangerous. It allows a mixup opportunity. It can wall splat or RO along the edge of an arena though.

Also watch out for that [K] from stance. You kept dropping your guard and getting hit at the last second by that. (Trying for Rem?)

Don't think this really applies to this particular match, but in general when teching Maxi's stuff doesn't track to the right. The only exception is his CE.

So ya this was last weekend. Just want ya to have a look and give pointers. I know a lot of issues i have but always good to ask.

Also, Natsu's gay.
Just had a long set with Moldaiver with my infant Xieber. He forced me to level it up quickly but he still won most of the matches. Here are some decent ones:

A funny round

AA being negative on hit saddens me.
Party Wolf and the rest of the Xiba players:
Critique and tips please?...

I would consider using REM if you see him use horizontals or horizontal moving kicks. I saw that ivy player use them a lot in that game. You threw out some unsafe moves (which isn't bad if it works) that he blocked but didn't take advantage of so I would consider playing a guy that kicks your ass for doing it so you can get a good feel for the character and his strengths/weaknesses to build your play-style off that. Lastly, I would like to see some spacing in the Ivy match up since most of her long range tools can be dealt easily with sidesteps and REM for good whiff/aGI punishes.

Thanks for the post since this thread is a ghost town lol.
?REM? Is that an Ivy term, because I'm not familiar to the term.
Btw, I was the Xiba player.

hey Xiba players,

Here are some videos from a local tournament of ours. I can pass off any advice you might have for Phantom. (well besides working on his block punishment imo)

I would work on counter-hit confirming AAK. It seemed like there were a lot of instances where he would get his string blocked and punished. Probably should use more 1*3A+B since it gives good damage/frame advantage (it is -16 so keep that in mind). Use kB more since it is a safe low that gives frame advantage and catches TJ attacks. Lastly, I would consider incorporating 44K in his game since it is a safe TJ mid that does good guard damage and can be brave edged for more more damage/guard damage. Hope this helps!
I think he tried incorporating 44K before but found it didn't work out. Any situations in particular he could try throwing it out?