

[09] Warrior
How do you Back Dash well in this game? I never really learned how to Back Dash in SC4. How do you do the different types like Korean Back Dash, Back Dash Cancel, etc? Also, do characters like Sophie, Liz, and Voldo have good dashes?
how do you back dash well in this game? I never really learned how to back dash in sc4. How do you do the different types like korean back dash, back dash cancel, etc? Also, do characters like sophie, liz, and voldo have good dashes?

Erm I'm not really experienced in this area but here are a couple things I noticed:

1. It is character dependent (i.e. Algol backdash vs. Cervantes backdash)

2. Backdashing works well against some attacks/characters moreso than others (backdashing against Sieg can be dangerous, for example). Backdash counter hit sucks.

3. You have to weigh the risk/reward like with everything else (how certain are you that backdash will work? How much will you net off a whiff punish? How much will they net off a backdash counter hit?)

I think Aris made good use of backdash to get whiff punishes against you (which earned him like 60ish damage each time). But remember he was Cass (who has excellent backdash and great whiff punishing) and you were Sophie/Voldo (who have short range on most attacks). So it really depends on the circumstances and the character matchup. I feel that backdashing in general is pretty weak for most characters in this game though. There are a couple exceptions, namely Hilde, Cass, and Algol.

I posted this because I was bored. I'm not sure I really know what I'm talking about.
With Cass, I 4~5~G to backdash cancel. It leaves me slightly vulnerable, but gives me alot of space.
Tue backdash cancelling is more akin to 44~1G. Since you can cancel most other motions into another motion, finding the ones that you can guard out of quicker (i.e., step-G is pretty fast), is a good idea.

Hope that helped.

I barely know what it is lol. Its 4+G right? As dumb as this sounds when using Algol I barely every backdash hasn't really helped me much at all
I just learned that you go further back if you hit 4 once. I'm used to double tapping 44 to get a back dash like in all the other fighters I play. When you press 44 you seem to not go back as far. Just man up and RTSD!
As the person above mentioned, you back dash by tapping 4, same way you do the good sidestep. You can cancel backstep to basically anything(forward dash, side-step, an 8wr attack or standing/ducking guard). Since you can cancel forward dash(6) into backdash you can backdash repeatedly at a higher speed by doing 4..64..64 rather than 4...4...4. idk if thats one of the obscure sidesteps you referenced...
I barely know what it is lol. Its 4+G right? As dumb as this sounds when using Algol I barely every backdash hasn't really helped me much at all

thats' guard impact parry against highs and mid, that will knockdown to your side.
I don't understand why anyone would want to backdash *cancel*...

To backdash normally, you have to make sure that there's already some space between you and the opponent at the moment before you tap 4. Space where BBs won't quite hit you, or will barely do.
And of course, you do that when you feel that the opponent is going to attack.

I feel that everything I said is pretty obvious, though, so maybe you were asking for something else...

Edit: Just like "GIs on reaction", you can backstep popular strings on reaction. Although I can't think of many, but there are two from Siegfried as an example.
66KA, backstep the A, punish hard.
66B,WRAA, backstep the first A, interrupt second A by punishing ultra hard.
Ahhh, indeed, I didn't think about that.
It's probably good to note that when you hold guard, you move your hit box slightly in front of you, which makes you block attacks that would normally whiff if you just stood at neutral. (Or in this case, if you didn't cancel the backstep.)
backdashing is performed by single tapping backwards. holding backwards will NOT work. Earliest block is possible after backdashing or stepping on 11th frame. There is probably some kind of startup to backdashing but I never tested this neither I have ideas how to. I'm not sure wheather distance of backstep depends on the character.
in soul cal it seems like the best method is to simply hold back. Some characters move back faster than others, but even siegfried, who backs up slow as hell, will still evade like everything when i am simply holding back.
4 > (near end of backdash) 6~4 > (near end of backdash) > 6~4

x N

you wanna be tapping 6 as briefly as possible
I have all the footage done but I couldn't put the video together, kept running into problems and couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong so I eventually gave up. When I feel like it I'll give it a go again, I still have the files.
A video I made for SC3 a long time ago. LOL too bad this method doesn't work on SC4.

It's a effective side step method not backdash, :) it pretty much look likes Tekken series 's SS cancel.