EVO2K12 Results & Shoutouts

Hey everyone, it's microgamer/[ah]aggrogahu/Link cosplayer. Exactly a week later, here goes:

Anyone I played: whether in tournament or in casuals, whether I won or was gettting my ass handed to me, I had a lot of fun. Hussler, Oosaka, Rickstah, Keev, JimmyPikachu, guy from Singapore (Willis?), guy from Cali who played Cervantes at the pre-EVO BBQ. Ya'll were super chill from having just met you.

Norcal: it was cool to see you guys again after meeting you at Fanime. I'll see you guys again next year and I'll try to make it to your weeklies whenever I'm in the area.

Vegas: I was glad to see IFB and Sora doing a lot to support the local scene and the community in general. Even if you guys are playing a lot of Marvel too, it's nice to see ya'll still stay strong in SCV.

The rest of the community: everyone was really friendly. It was like "Oh, you're on 8wr? Sweet, we're friends now"
The rest of the community: everyone was really friendly. It was like "Oh, you're on 8wr? Sweet, we're friends now"

thats why sc will always be my favorite FGC, something special about it that i feel isnt present in other FGCs, i will always try to keep in touch with the sc community, even if i am an old man playing sc 12

btw nice outfit, you were in my pool, and i had to beat rickstah to fight u :( perhaps we'll play some other time
Shoutouts to ViciousSuicide, Genver, MOTempest and everyone else who was in my pool plotting to take out Tokido (and failing). It is our fault that Partisan is the next most talked about piece of media on 8wr this week. (First being that Kayane picture). :(

Sora, Smiley, IFB & The other Vegas people... Possibly the most amazing "Local" set-up I have ever seen.. A lot of scenes have issues with venues, lack of manpower, lack of passionate leaders... etc.etc.. but you guys have all of that... All you're lacking is numbers.. which can be fixed... Keep going at what you're doing and you're community will definitely be strong.. You guys have got the passion and the goods and are building a wonderful scene. Will definitely want to check out IGL again.

Blue Link & BigRichez : Great to meet you guys and thanks for the chat at the pre-tourney... So tired after a 30 hour flight.. I really loved the venue and was really glad to have company enjoying the view with some burgers haha.

Kura, amazing character.. I really wish we could communicate better with you.

Captain Russia, lots of love... I really can't wait to talk to you again.. Good luck with the upcoming Moscow tournament.

Ramon, Omar, Xeph, GO, SPman, DrakeAlden, Partisan, Bibulus, emo.. It's always great putting faces to names... so glad to have met all of you... I'm really sorry that I didn't manage to play any casuals/MMs... The heat and lack of sleep really took a toll on me and I couldn't hang around on the final day. :(

Special Shoutout to Xeph and GO for the Xiba artwork.. NOOOOOO.

No shoutouts to Japan, because I'm super sour they took Evolution instead of Shen Chan. PFFT.

It's amazing how I managed to go through Evo without even SEEING Kayane... (Except at the top 32 playoffs)... I feel deprived almost.
It's called EVOla virus, and no, I'm not kidding.

Most of the people who go to EVO contract one sickness or another, almost guaranteed. I personally have a dry throat right now and the beginnings of a cough, but I know other people get even more sick than that.
motherfucker my throat has been completely fucked this week

this is worse than SCR
Yeah I think I had whatever all yall had too. At first I thought it was because I was yelling all day on Saturday night and Sunday morning at top 8. But the shit lasted way too long just to be blamed on being hoarse. I'm over it now though so I don't care.

I knew I recognized him too! I was like, that guy looks familiar! Didn't even realize he was the guy I was playing late night at fanime and talking hella shit to because I was drunk, kinda like I did against Mystic Bill. I felt bad too because in my mind I was thinking, 'damn this guy is pretty good to be some random dude at fanime'.
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Protip: don't shake hands with dirty ass gamers.
Wishing all the sick people a quick recovery.
Some sicknesses are airborne, so when you're packed like sardines in a room full of strangers for more than 12 hours, you're bound to catch something...
I remember I went to a gathering in SoCal at this dudes house... couple days later I had a mean ass rash all over my upper body. Was rubella, an airborne sickness you can catch.
There was this shady looking dude at that said gathering too... never stepped foot in there again...

And feel better. (bring a face mask & some antibacterial sanitizer next time.)
shoutouts! if I forgot you, too bad.

Las Vegas - you're my second home! thanks for being all hot and desert-y.

Ceasars Palace - seriously... does Ceasar actually live here???

Tanya - props to the excellent service at 2AM for some weary travelers. also, you have a big butt.

Tekken girl - dear lord, you were the baddest bitch in Vegas that weekend. next time ima holla

girl in the lobby - close second. HUGE BUTT omg

NorCal - we are terrible at Soul Calibur V. seriously lol

SoCal - y'all are worse at Soul Calibur V lol

emo - you are so cool. from the first hour, I already knew why we get along so well. I got your back anytime, don't worry about shit from now on. what else can I say???

DK - thanks for putting up with me all weekend. you're so gay (that means awesome)


Ramon - outside of being jerks to you on Friday, idk what else to say other than you're really fun to be around. I didn't get to play you as much as I wanted, cause your playstyle is really fun to play against. we'll see each other again soon anyway.

SPman - that table on Friday!!! I'm gonna add you on FB.

Hawkeye - LOL WTF HAPPENED TO US?! it's all downhill from here :(

LP - 2 events running, and we still haven't played. Ramon (or was it Ramon?) said it best imo, that he can't really go all out against people he's cool with, but I'm sure you wouldn't let me get away with some shit like that. so much has happened in the meantime though, and I'm glad to say you're a friend of mine.

Typhoon - Wu texted me while I was drunk and asked me why I never did BT B+K into CE. also, thanks for hogging RTD for like 74 hours.

RTD - we got to play for a total of 2 1/2 matches. this is unacceptable. I'm absolutely certain that I would level up IF I EVER GET THE CHANCE TO GET YOU AWAY FROM OTHER PEOPLE WTF

Mateo - you're really good at Namco fighters... but you gave me a chance to win, and so I took it. I also like your financial approach to playing casuals lol

SU - we didn't get to play. this makes me sad.

Belial - we didn't get to play. this makes me sad.

Link cosplayer - save the princess dude! wtf u doin playing Soul Calibur V

Sora - good shit for that stream win! I talk to you all the time anyway.

Wu - thanks for holding my controller! and yeah... stuff. and things. whatnot. etc.

Orochi - keep playing calibur dude, you're good at it.

Malek - a brief conversation with you made me feel all grown up lol. also, thanks for that set, and showing me that Ivy is not as good as in the previous iteration of Soul Calibur. lastly, you're living proof that maybe French people don't hate Americans... or do they???

Keev - Patroklos. lol stay handsome

Partisan - short end of the stick the whole weekend. for taking my money, I must give you a compliment. uhhhhhhhhhhhh

Xeph - sup dude

Banes - amicable, generous, and humorous... thanks for your constant support for the community. stoners unite!!!

DrakeAldan - nice to finally meet. I like that you watch my vids and threw 1A out like ima block the shit. also, you're really goofy lol

random fireworks show - cool

Woahhzz - finally got to play an APat. that didn't go so well lol. I'd also like to thank the guys that funded your ass to get to Vegas. your path to Soul Calibur success, I'd like to emulate. anyway, stay in school dude!

sidebet losers - Patroklos 1K

Kayane - lmao

Pool A28 - you're all scrubs. like... literally

Pool A28 Organizer - you owe me 50 cents.

azns - the way y'all view fighting games is really, really interesting. I didn't really talk to anyone in particular since none of y'all speak American. except for ShenOu... but he ducks MMs, so yeah.

people I didn't get to play - STOP DUCKING ME

people I got to play - ggs

people I didn't get to hang out with - COME ON NOW

Soul Calibur Community - you guys are constantly hilarious. ENTERTAIN ME

EVO - thanks for raping me. it was a very eye-opening experience to the FGC, and my first time going has strengthened my interest in video games in general. after I left Vegas, I needed to accept that my limited view of this whole tournament scene needs some reassessment. I wanna get better, straight up like that.
azns - the way y'all view fighting games is really, really interesting. I didn't really talk to anyone in particular since none of y'all speak American. except for ShenOu... but he ducks MMs, so yeah.

I'm confused... we spoke.. and I understood you, so whatever language American is... we both understood each other when we spoke in English. :P

As for the money match, like I said after our pool, I wouldn't mind. But my priority at Evo wasn't exactly Money Matches and there wasn't any stations at that moment so I went to look at the other stations, so sorry if I seemed to have run off. Hopefully we'll get another chance. :)
I remember I went to a gathering in SoCal at this dudes house... couple days later I had a mean ass rash all over my upper body. Was rubella, an airborne sickness you can catch.
There was this shady looking dude at that said gathering too... never stepped foot in there again...


I hope that was not my house
I had a sore throat, ear ache, and general cold symptoms most of this week...

I didn't get sick until one or two days after I got back from Evo.
That's common whenever you go to a gathering of a lot of people from differant places. Its why in the first month of university most people get a cold or something like that.
For the people who got sick after Evo, did any of y'all get some serious Ear Aches? Both of mine are killing me and I can't sleep....
it seems like everyone who got sick was in my room at some point, I too started feeling ill returning from evo, but I ate lots of garlic, and drank lemon juice to cure myself
Interesting. I didn't get SICK so to day, but the one thing i did have was some serious ear aches which sorta lead to headaches and such.

How many days did it take for the ear aches to go away? Also, my eyes are doing a number on me. They get really dry and red. This is the first time I ever had to actually use eye drops for something like this.

it seems like everyone who got sick was in my room at some point, I too started feeling ill returning from evo, but I ate lots of garlic, and drank lemon juice to cure myself

Screw it. It was worth it.
I remember Evo 2009 when nationals was a week after and Belial was so sick he couldn't even make it on a plane there. I was sick as a dog too with a bad flu and chills. Was like wtf??