[France] RB 00 SWGA vids


[11] Champion
We didn't do any tournament but here are some FT10 / FT5 :

Coming soon :

FT5 Akire (Kilik) vs Malek (Ivy)
FT5 EggMaster (Cassy) vs Malek (Ivy)
FT5 Maxou (Amy) vs Malek (Ivy)
FT5 Maxou (Setsu) vs Malek (Ivy)

FT10 EggMaster (Cassy) vs Malek (Ivy)

FT10 Malek (Ivy) vs Akire (Mitsu) (incomplete)
part3/4 http://www.youtube.com/user/SoulCaliburSWGA#p/u/1/HH3xlKA4eX8
part 4/4 http://www.youtube.com/user/SoulCaliburSWGA#p/u/0/z4Opm3bXt_8

FT10 Maxou (Setsu) vs Malek (Ivy)

FT10 Maxou (Setsu) vs Thiry (Yoshi)


Next : Eggmaster vs Malek FT10
Had to stop watching after Akire didnt duck Ivy's WP 6AA+K(?)
Which is only 47 seconds in lol.
I knew France sucked =P <3
Just keep on watching. This FT10 was quite close actually, the final score was 10 to 8.

Next vid will be Thiry against myself.
Thiry vs myself is currently being uploaded.

For those who don't know him, Thiry is a crazy, funny, and dangerous Yoshimitsu.
Sorry Malek vs Akire is impossible to watch, and I dont know if I've ever felt so humiliated n my SC career. Akire doesnt know anything about Ivy, misses his combos etc, and still takes 8 matches. And I do a just a little better. Theres probably something seriously wrong with me. I'm going into a mountain cave to meditate and seek enlightment.
And I do a just a little better.

I thought last time was 5 to 1 for malek?

You don't understand Belial, Akire... he's like Elazul, he's playing Godlike...
Besides, there's no need to feel humiliated, Akire is a very promising "new" french player. He only needs to play against more characters and to handle pressure.
And I heard you told people that you "won" against me. Facts has never been your strong side, Maxou, but I guess that's why we love you! xD
Sorry Malek vs Akire is impossible to watch, and I dont know if I've ever felt so humiliated n my SC career. Akire doesnt know anything about Ivy, misses his combos etc, and still takes 8 matches. And I do a just a little better. Theres probably something seriously wrong with me. I'm going into a mountain cave to meditate and seek enlightment.

I told you, you have some Ivy ignorance! I just never got around to finishing my 8 paragraph PM that I was going to send you.

Not that you want/need my advice(Noface = no name player)...but I'm going to finish it soon. Hope you find at least a couple helpful things, even if it is from a scrub player.
NoFace: Dude that was irony. If you want to share something its always welcome, but dont do it in PM, post it in the open to help all people who might need advice.
And I heard you told people that you "won" against me. Facts has never been your strong side, Maxou, but I guess that's why we love you! xD


EggMaster vs Malek will be posted this night, then Malek vs myself FT10.
Maxou: its just after we played in your room with you and Eggmaster, people start coming over next day asking me if its true that you beat me badly yesterday. xD xD xD
Maxou: its just after we played in your room with you and Eggmaster, people start coming over next day asking me if its true that you beat me badly yesterday. xD xD xD

Wasn't me who said that. But it's not like I care much, you can think what you want.

Instead of dissing akire, could you give him some tips? Next time, he may be able to beat malek :)
And anyway Akire just does good matches against Malek. His Kilik against Malek's Ivy was very close, and IMO he lost because he's not playing enough the character (forgot some moves, and missed some imputs).
ah ah ah

I won a first to 5 against Belial in Cannes then lost a first to 10.

I know you would appreciate ah ah
Maxou: Are you crazy? If I give him tips he would be unstoppable!!!

Malek: Sorry for bringing all that up xD Good job in this videos xD. Next time I'm going to use more 4K on you , ho ho ho!
Ahahah yeah ! Nice mood around here !

Actually, my FT10 against Malek sucks too ahaha. I missed a lot of things and I took so much random stuffs...
But the FT5 is very interesting IMO.

So if you're bored to watch almost 30 Ivy vs Cass matches, wait the FT5.