[Jul 27, 2013] Les Veaux Bordelais (Talence, France)


[11] Champion
In USA, there is the EVO tournament, in France, we have Les Veaux (prononce EVO) ! from Bordeaux.

Organised by the SWGA association, "Les Veaux Bordelais" is a very fun, very community-oriented venue with a lot of games in tournament :
- Street Fighter 3.3
- Street Fighter 4 (most recent ver. that I have no clue of the name)
- Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2
- and a lot of free play games (kof13, street2.2, etc...), we will probably organize little tournament during the evening or the night.

... Yes, you read that well, SoulCalibur 5 is not announced in "Les Veaux Bordelais" !!!
But, fear not !
The SWGA association decided to make another official tournament, and few games are in competition in a facebook vote - including SoulCalibur 5 :

We'd like YOU to vote for SoulCalibur 5 !
Don't hesitate, it takes 30sec maximum, will make the SoulCalibur 5 community grow and make the game more active !

PS : If you're interested in coming, don't hesitate to PM me, we can house you and bring you to the venue ;)
As the name says, it takes place just near Bordeaux.

PPS : The EVO part is a joke btw, Les Veaux = The Cows, so don't take it seriously ;)

I don't understand why it says Mar 27 2013, I probably sucked when I made the thread !
The event takes place the 27,28 and 29 of July 2013, can a mod change that?