Top Talim Moves

Idk I find algol and yoshi fun
Not as fun as talim and maxi but fun nonetheless

I actually dnt want talim to be top tier
I just want her to be a bit more solid than she is
33_99KA works really well for me online, especially when people are at really low health and a 2K is too predictable and gets blocked. Most people dont know that move and dont/cant block it, and its pretty safe when it hits, which is almost all the time for me online.

Another one i think is really good is 11_77B. That into WL A+K usually catches people off guard. But i only speak from online
They probably can't block it because of lag, though 11KA does essentially the same thing and actually doesn't telegraph the low.
33_99ka is a move ppl usually stasy away from offline because its negative on hit...and u can block the low, even online...
11ka is like her best low
I've been in need of something non-school related to work on to get my mind off some recent situations in my life. And so, I've actually been thinking about writing up a guide to playing Talim and her matchups. I actually started writing a few things down, but haven't been making much progress lately.

But I wonder if it would even really help anyone considering no one really even plays her. That and I dunno if I wanna make another time consuming wiki entry that might end up being inaccessible like my Punishment guide.

I'm considering it though.
Say what?!

Those of us in here play her and I certainly do.

I think you have to consider is it worth your time makin somethin for a limited/small audience though.

If you make somethin I'll certainly look it over.
Yeah that's kinda what I meant; the whole limited audience thing. I know a couple people in here would look at it. You guys would be the only reasons to do it really.

oh what the heck, why not? Sure I'll put some things down. Here's hoping this doesn't decide to get an error like the punishment list.
Then I'll say thanks ahead of time.

Contact the admins about your Punishment Guide?

I sent a mail to the admin about the prob.
Which moves do you guys think are most important for Talim players to achieve perfect timing with?

For me in my opinion they are;

1. 6B+K 6 K:G - This is an amazing move for talim, it retracks slightly, provides an excellent tech jump, even going over certain mids, and when used wisely, provides for an excellent surprise when used either in close range on block with A+K, or at long range with either B+K or A.

2. 236B / 1A+B Tech duck timing - Amazing on certain characters / players that use moves that end or consist entirely of high's.
A few examples of popular moves for specific characters;

The Apprentice - On block his back flip light saber toss can be ducked and punished with 236B for sweet damage.

Ivy - WS 6AAA the last hit can be punished with 1A+B, no need for ducking.

Amy - The dreaded 6BB can be ducked and punished with 1A+B, or 236B if they make the mistake of doing 6BBB.

3. 236A+B 236A 236B mid combo. - This move is botched constantly by Talims everywhere. The timing is very demanding but this move has a lot of use in some combos.

4. 8B+K Side step timing - This is obvious. Plenty of moves can be avoided very easily at close range with this move, AA and K are very fast options for punishment, and on an extremely punishable, or linear move B:B leads into some decent damage.

What do you think Talim's most important moves to practice are?
the thing I like about talim is that she can have an all over the place playing still but she also has one of the best poking games too besides raph and amy. 4A, 1K, 4K (a bit risky for ducking but still okay of blocked). A string I came across and found useful was 6A+K A :2h:(:8h:) AAB. If 6A+K A lands on a counter then the AAB are guaranteed. but if it's blocked then I find that as long as the opponent doesn't duck under the AA that follows the turn that talim does then she's still safe. also one more combo that comes to immediate attention.
this is away from a wall. :4::B::+::K:, :A:, :3h:(:3:) :B::Bh:, :A::+::K:. Now the opponent is on the ground at this point and people often hit them while on the ground to get some more damage. what move does max damage? :2::A::+::B: is guaranteed but :4h::B: does more damage. the only risk with :4h::B: is that if not performed quickly enough the opponent can either block or evade it leaving talim open for an attack.

and one last thing. :1::A::+::B: is a GREAT punisher. probably her best immediate punish she has.
Huh? You don't actually think that do you?

Stop making up moves guys lol.
Oh s*&t! I didn't mean A+K. I meant B+K. was in a hurry to write it because someone was at the door and I had to finish quickly. that's why I went to using the pic inputs. I can more easily tell if I make mistakes. I'm still getting this lingo down to saying it. but yeah my mistake.
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