Zas Videos


[09] Warrior
well, there seems to be non earound, so I thought I'd make the thread. :P

The opponent is decent, shakes the combo stuns ect, so I basically had to poke. Got a few nice combo's in though.

Vs Hilda: I never really played a decent Hilde before, so some of her shit was surprising. My god she has annoying kicks....

Vs NM: Some older vids

Zas video's....

I'm sad whenever I see a completely random 4A+B in Zasalamel videos... And really sad when it happens more than once.
But it's the best Zasalamel videos that I've seen so far.
Zas video's....

well it's just casual play. trying to hit someone with 3b to 4a+b is fun,. though he never fell for it...

it's something I wouldn't do in a tournamenet or anything.
Zas video's....

Couple things . .even if its just casual

-66A+B = cringe

-stop getting up close and just standing still. If that was a more aggressive player he would have roasted you. If youre going to get in close, your quick options are AA, BB, B+K, 2K, 2A, 6A+B, 1K

-44B+K standing close range? Never do that again.

-Only use A+K for steppers. Its duckable on reaction.

-stop guard impacting so much

I think you need to learn what your options are depending on your distance. I seen a lot of risky things like 44B close range. More BB, more 2K, 2A, 11K, 6A, 4K, WR K and 6A+B. You seem to have quite the time getting rushed down. ABUSE 2K. Its a poke for the gods and it keep them on the defensive. Often times you would 2K right into WR B, no unpredictability there.

Yeah. I dont think ive played you online before. But ill be on tonight in about an hour.
Zas video's....

It's very, very rare that you can hit with 1AB (the opening move is insanely slow and easy to block on reaction), but if you do, you can follow it with 2K for more damage (I think guaranteed?). I don't believe 1AB sets up Z's oki game well, so you're not losing anything, and you distance them as they rise (putting you in more optimal range for pick & poke). It doesn't add a lot of damage, but every little bit helps.

Z is so cool to watch fight. I like seeing good Hilde and good Z better than anyone I think. Honorable mention to NM and Rock though. I love Rock tossing some fool around like a sack of potatoes.
Zas video's....

Couple things . .even if its just casual

-66A+B = cringe

-stop getting up close and just standing still. If that was a more aggressive player he would have roasted you. If youre going to get in close, your quick options are AA, BB, B+K, 2K, 2A, 6A+B, 1K

-44B+K standing close range? Never do that again.

-Only use A+K for steppers. Its duckable on reaction.

-stop guard impacting so much

I think you need to learn what your options are depending on your distance. I seen a lot of risky things like 44B close range. More BB, more 2K, 2A, 11K, 6A, 4K, WR K and 6A+B. You seem to have quite the time getting rushed down. ABUSE 2K. Its a poke for the gods and it keep them on the defensive. Often times you would 2K right into WR B, no unpredictability there.

Yeah. I dont think ive played you online before. But ill be on tonight in about an hour.

ROFL, like I said, casual play. I've fought this guy hundreds of times, literally, to the point that we run up to each other and stand there, because it's fucking rock papers scissors to see who does what, I've seen it in alot of video's against friends. Zas is probably 4th on my most played list, so I really don't care about learning to play him effectively, just someone to mix up with between astroth ownage. But thanks for the advice, I'm always open to improvements. :p
Zas video's....

Oh, also Zas's 3B is awful. He gets NOTHING on normal hit out of it unless you do the 3B4 version, which is launcher punishable on block. Its usefulness begins and ends with RO'ing people in front of you.
Zas video's....

Oh God... I wish I had a way to record my matches so I can show you how to really play Zas.

Use him aggressively, never let up. Use his unblockable if the opponent is in the corner as it tends to track way too much (not that I'm complaining). It's also good if you start it right after the 1B,B,A - 4B+K -B+K string, I've seen way too many people just stand right up into it. Also, poke with crouching attacks more, play those headgames and watch people eat a WR B. Another option if they are on the ground, start running towards them. If they stand, slide, if they duck, while running B+K followed by 4A+B. Just sure to yell 'SHORYUKEN!' when you do the running B+K.
Zas video's....

Please find a way to get more videos of Zas here. If one thing is certain, it is that A. Not many people play him (check the popularity threads based on online matches here on this forum). B. As a result, he is among the least written about on the boards.
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This is our Zas match video

sorry for the video quality is not as good as my usual video

need evaluation and comment as usual :p
THX before
Zas video's....

heres my match against jaxel. I wasn't exactly sober and he's a much better player than me, so I think I did really well.

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This is what happens when you don't play online for a while. Please be gentle.

Learned my lesson about trying to be cute against charge-heavy Hilde.
Zas video's....

I dont have much to say. Its online.

Its awesome how everyones using 2B+K after the Omage videos lol.