Help thugish_pond get to Cannes

  • Moderator
Yo, it's Malice. If you don't know, Soul Calibur is huge in France. Last year, the community was able to pull together and help get a team to Cannes so that they could compete in the World Cup.

This year will be the first time that the event will be streamed live which will be big for Soul Calibur, however we do not have any Americans who are able to go, except for Woahhzz.

So far, the Europeans have already setup a donation drive to help get him there. I'm hoping that we can do the same. I'll be doing what I can locally to help get him there. If there's anyone that wants to help out, you can go so by going to and place your donation.

EDIT: Since Woahhzz is unable to attend, the help will go towards thugish_pond making it to Cannes to compete in the World Cup.
Well I'm interested in going. I was going to france for spring break anyway. SO I'd need to know the dates and maybe little ol' luff could go! :D
I'll be donating soon. I haven't been online much so I had no idea anyone was willing to go.

Thugish if you or any other top players are willing and able to go say so, I'll pull out as much as I can so the US can make a good showing.
Malek knows I can go if the circumstances are right. Well see how it goes.

On the french forum I ask donation for both whoaaaz and you.
If 8wr can have enough for whoaaz then the french money goes for you, and vice versa.
But I do not expect that much money from donation, so let s see what is possible first.

Belial, ok i ll put your cash from last cannes on the 8wr paypal.
Again, if thugish would have just said he needed help instead of saying he can't make it this year, then this topic would have been titled differently.

Also, this tournament is going down in a month. I don't foresee enough donations to get two people over there unless people become really generous. Plus this stuff should have been figured out a long time ago, so you guys need to figure out who's going and get with Malek/Jaxel.
Whoaaz will not be able to make it due to "no passport".
Every donation should go to Thuggish now, he is the last one able to go.

Thuggish, i'll pm you.