
Thanks for the formula :) I'm actually uploading a shit load of my pics right now! Just waiting for ImageShack to finish. I have a few new Scarletts and Andromedas along with 3 new womens!
Ok so here is the first batch of my newest CaS! By the way click the pics to see bigger versions I don't know why this happened but its really annoying!

This is Lena, a former serving woman who has a strange past. She is now known as the Queen of the Waters because every ship that unfortunately finds hers is raided and sunken with the crew killed. Lena is about 32 years old and uses Ivy's style. Lena also aided Cervantes at one point in her story and is from London.

Lena 2P

This is a Andromeda outfit with a bit of Viking and Barbarian influences that created

This next Andromeda is based on the Hunters' Suit undergarments

Ah, Scarlett, you seem to never make any damn sense. This a disguise she uses when she prepares victims for her rituals.

A bit of a Zasalamel influence on this one. She will wear this when she has stealth work to be done or if she decides to scare the living hell out of someone.

Yet another outfit she wears when undercover looking for victims and resources for her cult.

This is a disguise she wears when she visits Rouen, France in her story where she plans to seduce Raphael and take Amy as her apprentice.

This outfit is another disguise for Scarlett. It is also based on one of VincentRayne's customs so Scarlett also wears this when she meets the Rayne family.
And here are the rest!

This is Lysa. She is an experienced warrior of 36 from parts unknown. She accompanies Andromeda for a time but is later infected by the evil seed. She wields a sword and shield Soul Edge but is later released from its grasp and means to make amends for her sins. She fights Sophitia and is defeated during SCIII and is nearly killed by Tira in SCIV but is able to defeat Rock and successfully kill him.

Lysa 2P

Lysa 3P

Evil Lysa 1P

Evil Lysa 2P

Redeemed Lysa

Aeryn is a woman with the strength of a man. She wields the greatsword Requiem and her age is unknown. She despises Lysa and Lena for Lysa mocked her "horse face" as a child and Lena killed the men who swore an oath to return her to the Heroes' Guild safely (Aeryn is a high ranking officer in the guild). Aeryn prefers the company of men rather than women but she eventually meets Andromeda and helps her find Sophitia who is killed by Lysa in her state of possesion. Aeryn is nearly 27. Aeryn fought Kilik to a draw during SCII and married a fellow member of the guild, Jaime, who she married when she turned 15 . She has a 12 year old son who is showing signs for a gift of smithing.

Aeryn 2P

Aeryn 3P

Aeryn 4P

Aeryn 1P (SCV)

Aeryn 2P (SCV)
I pretty much only have a few original characters of note and they're not even very good...but shall I post them anyway?
I pretty much only have a few original characters of note and they're not even very good...but shall I post them anyway?
Any type of CaS that is original is welcome here! Feel free to post anything and don't worry no one will laugh. I enjoy seeing other people's CaS, it gives me inspiration and it helps me find out what works and what doesn't.
Any type of CaS that is original is welcome here! Feel free to post anything and don't worry no one will laugh. I enjoy seeing other people's CaS, it gives me inspiration and it helps me find out what works and what doesn't.

Righty-o. None of my characters have proper bios though, lol


This was the first character I ever made in SC4, and I haven't changed him to this day. He has no bio at all, lol


She's from Korea, is 20, and had her father killed by a mad Englishman...it's tragic, actually.



And this would be that Englishman. In his thirties, he is actually very high up on the monarchy he is in, and is looking to assassinate the ruler...he killed Tarein's father in the crossfire. A comrade of her father, Velgardé, took major offense to this and fought him...with consequences doled out...surviving the encounter, Velgardé did not bother with Donovan for a while, but Tarein pursues this fiend with wrath.



And here he is. Yep, Donovan carved out his eye. Velgardé is some sort of Oriental merchant on the high seas. His comrade was killed in battle by Donovan. Despite having been on exceedingly good terms with Tarein's father, Velgardé doesn't really care much for the girl herself.


A random character that has no significance what-so-ever. Kind of like Azealeon, lol



A common enemy in the roleplays me and my girlfriend have on MSN. XD Has a pet sabre-toothed-tiger named Yewet.


Another character with no real relevance what-so-ever. Not for long, though, I've been wanting to use her for purposes...


Sorry, I couldn't really get that great of a shot with this guy, but eh. A cocky, self-righteous dude with a taste for combat. Has been used a few times before.


That's all for now. Hope I haven't bored you all. XD
Haha! I was actually worried the pictures were rather blurry! I'm one of them digicam users, heh.

Thanks a lot! :)
Haha! I was actually worried the pictures were rather blurry! I'm one of them digicam users, heh.

Thanks a lot! :)

Im sorry Zone I've come to collect you. (See what I did there?)

On a more serious note. Maybe we should play against each other. I feel like recording some matches here and there and was hoping to see more of your...ehrm Female CAS in battle >_> (I would never purposely break your armor....) and you can see more of mine :D

Also, don't have the XBox connected to the internet right now, and anyway I don't have a Gold account at the moment. Once I fix those things, I'll certainly get playing online. :D

Oh, and here's one of my girlfriend's characters:

Don't thank me their your characters, I'm just the small edit guy who works triple shifts lol xD
omg, a video walkthrough and everything, you spoil me XD

Catherine : I love what you did with her costume ^^ I think I had, what, Merchant's boots or something? But Menghu goes a lot better with her entire armor concept. lol, I didn't realize the sarashi was such a pain to work with XD I had her voice at pitch + 20? Wow, I didn't even remember ^^;

Luther : Thank you so much for him! I had the most trouble with him. I figured, he's my evil dictator, he has to look menacing! ...But that didn't translate in my design... I like what you did there with the shoulders, very nice ;) The Death gauntlet/boot set looks badass :D

Leo : I like the Death gauntlets but they look better on his brother XD

Well, what else can I say? I love what you've done and thanks for putting in all that effort ^^

ps. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, for future reference, I'm female XD

Forgive me for I must double - post!
norik you are so cool! ... erm, Lord Zenon, that is XD The colors you used really do bring the element lightning to mind. Lord Aeolos is plain epic, I love the helmet!
Lol, Diana's cute :)

The story's based on two of my favorite things, SC and Greek mythology so that's epic in my book XD

Sophie - Chan - I see Scarlett's looking gorgeous as always (she's one of my favorite customs of your's. Ambiguous story, + a truckload of disguises)
Besides that, I really like Aeryn 2P and Evil Lysa 2P (you make so many alt. costumes it's hard to pick just a few XD)

Oh dear, there are two Shadows on the thread now. I guess I'll call Shadow Zone: Shadow Z!

Shadow Z - I know Azealeon doesn't have a backstory but he's my favorite XD Maybe you could think one up? The little vengeance plot there is pretty interesting... And Inida and Huohro! Man you really need bios ^^

Okay, I'm done ^^
Forgive me for I must double - post!
Sophie - Chan - I see Scarlett's looking gorgeous as always (she's one of my favorite customs of your's. Ambiguous story, + a truckload of disguises)
Besides that, I really like Aeryn 2P and Evil Lysa 2P (you make so many alt. costumes it's hard to pick just a few XD)
Thanks so much! Scarlett is a favorite of mine and yes I make WAAY too many alternate outfits. Scarlett is a bit like Zasalamel and Deadpool combined. She is very serious and prophetic but also playful, seductive and a total bitch at times. I prefer that Aeryn a bit but I still have a strange fondness to 1P costume. Evil Lysa 2P is one of my favorite CaS of all times.
Okay, so my character's name is the same as my username, Keigo. His main style was SUPPOSED to be Kilik's, but quickly switched to Amy's as i progressed with her haha. For each style i made 3 different costumes. Keigo's character is kind, but very outgoing and a little high-strung haha. I'll explain why he's on his adventure in just a bit.
KeigoA1.jpg KeigoA2.jpg
So this is supposed to be Keigo's main image. And it was for awhile, now i hardly touch this one. But i still admire it a bunch =D
This is a more mature depiction of Keigo. I pretty much use this outfit all the time when i wanna use Kilik's style!
Priest/Monk Keigo XD *Sorta the Joke outfit of the set* I use this quite often.
Initially, this was SUPPOSED to be the main image for Amy styled Keigo. It's Very dark, kinda Goth. However, it later got scrapped to being the *joke* outfit of the set. TBH, i like this outfit, but i don't use it much cause it doesn't fit Keigo's personality.
THIS!!! This is Keigo in all his glory. This is his image. *Sadly, his story has some culture shock, as his name is japanese, but in his story he's Amy's blood brother XD meaning he would HAVE to be french* Basically, when Keigo was around the age of 5 *and Amy POSSIBLY around the age 3-4* His village was raided by thieves and burned down to the ground. During the turmoil however, Keigo and Amy tried to escape from it all, but due to the events, they unfortunately were seperated. Keigo, being conflicted by his missing sister, and holding a strong belief that she is still alive, he sets his resolve to finding Amy no matter what it takes. *However, Keigo is a little TOO young to have a firm grasp of his memory, and he eventually forgets the name of that who he is searching for* Years pass and by the age of 10 he learns the ways of the sword *Rapier, Fencing style of course*, but he still has no luck finding her.

In the events of SC4 Keigo eventually crosses paths with Amy. Both Keigo and Amy feel as if they have some deep connection to each other, so Keigo decides to assist Amy in her quest *to find Rapheal of course, these people need to stop LOSING other people x.x* Blah blah they battle other people, blah blah kill Algol and yea. When they finally find Raphael, they quickly discover that He does not have a liking to Keigo. *Raphael only wants a world for him and Amy, so why should Keigo even be there.... sound familiar??* So Raphael and Keigo have a Duel, in which Keigo severely loses. It was Raphael's intent to kill him, but at Amy's request, he lets Keigo live. Any so the story ends..... BUT DON'T WORRY, KEIGO WILL CONTINUE TO SEARCH FOR AMY IN SOUL CALIBUR 5 !!!!! *you can consider this a character confirmation*
This is my secondary look for Keigo's Amy style set. I pretty much use this outfit as often as i do the previous outfit.
Yes, Keigo even as a Xianghua style set...... he's a jack of many trades :3
I really love this outfit a lot, makes Keigo look SOOO cool haha.
This is probably the main image for the Xianghua style set. Mostly because it looks the most natural with the move set. To be totally honest though, this outfit was partially inspired by Rikku from FFX-2.... go figure XD

Anyway, that's my character for the Soul Series. Hope you enjoyed him :D The Kilik and Xianghua style sets are really just for fun, the Amy style set and story is what's canon for my character. So tell me what you think =D