The Cepheus Store thread

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what gives, woke up this morning and can't download the compat pack or use the store. And hey, where did that naked screen shot that was posted here a few pages back come from, it looks real
So all this stuff costs a total of $10. More or less. I... don't think I'll be getting it. I'm pretty unimaginative, so the only thing I can see these parts being useful for is remaking Amy, and I never really liked Amy anyway. Of course I'm sure Gatsu will come up with something amazing and show me how wrong I am. But I'm not that impressed to want to buy this, especially for 1/6 the cost of the full game.
I find it a bit suspicious each of the new DLC packs are the exact same size. I got a bad feeling the same content is in each one, which is a fair amount of wasted space for anyone buying more than one pack.

Edit: Actually, only one is ever downloaded. Something mysteriously magical must happen since additional packs aren't listed on the harddrive when downloaded.

In SSFIV you can download a kind of compatibility pack that allows you to see new costumes (when playing online) without buying them. I bought ONE of the several costume packs which should have been a 100 MB download, but the download was completed in a second. Expect a single file of 60 MB to be downloaded for SCV regardless of how many (of the recent) DLCs you have bought.
Some new hairstyles would be welcome, as well as some of the SCIV costumes. Also, was it announced whether C.Store updates are weekly/bi-weekly/monthly? And finally...why isn't there a proper bloody tie?!
I'm getting sick of Project Soul's obvious bias towards female created characters.
I'm not sure what you mean.
If you're talking about the amount of equipment, it's generally the same.
Female CaS characters get 4 costumes from 4 female characters(2 of which are mostly the same)
Male CaS characters get 4 costumes from 2 male characters(both their 1p and 2p).

Both genders got 4 costumes. So, what's this bias you're referring to?

EDIT: Never mind, I realized it. The Maid and Active wear pack ._.
So, yes, females did get more options.
I'm not sure what you mean.
If you're talking about the amount of equipment, it's generally the same.
Female CaS characters get 4 costumes from 4 female characters(2 of which are mostly the same)
Male CaS characters get 4 costumes from 2 male characters(both their 1p and 2p).

Both genders got 4 costumes. So, what's this bias you're referring to?
The females in general have far more equipment. If anything, they should be getting less in DLC, rather than equal. So far the first DLC pack that came out was 90% female equipment, and now they have the maid pack planned as well. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the classic Nightmare equipment was unisex just to maintain the imbalance.

Seriously, why can Tira use Rocker Gloves but not Mitsurugi?
The females in general have far more equipment. If anything, they should be getting less in DLC, rather than equal.

Seriously, why can Tira use Rocker Gloves but not Mitsurugi?
Ahh I see.
But getting less won't solve it. Besides, if they give us all of the SCV character equipment gradually, Male CaS will be getting more attention, as there are more male characters on the roster.
Ahh I see.
But getting less won't solve it. Besides, if they give us all of the SCV character equipment gradually, Male CaS will be getting more attention, as there are more male characters on the roster.
I guess. It still bugs me that two of the male characters can't even be edited at all. I miss my naked Lizardmen from SCIV. :(
Yeah, new CAS pieces! The good, the SCV 1p and 2p come in pieces and the bad, they weren't unisex, but thankfully the classic mask are.

I was disappointed that I had to buy the masks again when I already bought them in IV but I'll have to be on crack to buy that active wear pack. Do they really expect me to buy a three piece pack for the same amount as the maid pack which have nearly three times more pieces. If they had added tank tops, jogging pants, hoody and decent underwear for the males then I would have bought it.
Bajajaajaja, who cares man, mid your own shit, thats what i want.
Nearly every single person on this site wants new characters and stages. Hell, the same thing goes to any fighting game community. You're not the only one and complaining about it won't make them give it out any faster. It takes a hell of a lot more effort to make characters and stages that suit the rest of the game than it does to make a few equipment pieces. I'm just glad were finally getting dlc that's worth something. A lot of you guys need to get out of the "gimme gimme" and "I'm inclined to have this" mindset. Nothing wrong with wanting more out of the game, but that's just childish
I thought getting the DLC's ready to go was some one's actual job. Mine said Free, then 1MS point, then 4.6 billion MS points. I'm sure this morning someone is cleaning off their desk and heading to the unemployment office. How are we supposed to have faith in future patches and add-ons?
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