[Southern California] Kings Of the Ant Hill

I'm down to make more of an attempt to show up and play you guys. I don't like that I did well in the tournament and then get bodied during casuals. I need to make my presence known in SoCal as one of the top players no more being am unknown. Let's do this.
Then we should decide now which place to practice. We don't want another Korean BBQ, Mexican, Food Court, etc. debate (sorry for...). What I learned from MLG is we lack matchups and discussions about matchups (we just tend to brush each other off). BTW, Thanks for the help Tom.

I'm down with practice sessions but like Tomahawk said its hard because of age/reality of life/responsibilities.I can only take SC to such an extent now that I can go only (most of the time) friday, sat or sunday afternoon. I can really try on the weekdays but its highly doubtful because of the reasons stated. I'm willing to pick people up too.

I'm not a native of SoCal (I just work here) but I'll support the scene in which however I can and able.
I'm down to make more of an attempt to show up and play you guys. I don't like that I did well in the tournament and then get bodied during casuals. I need to make my presence known in SoCal as one of the top players no more being am unknown. Let's do this.

Wait, you're from socal? We played in the tourney and you shit on me with Ezio lol. I never played against a Ezio player before. You should come to the Super Arcade tourneys.

btw, Super Arcade tourney this Saturday sponsored by Namco.
wow namco sponsoring the super arcade tourney?? thats fuckin awesome, where do you live juece? and why have u been holding out this whole time? lol, well ya i am down to volunteer my place thursday nights, i think noface has a pretty good spot too, and that way he doesnt need to drive either, noface would u be down to host too? otherwise who is down to play at my pad this thursday, i live in carson, ca
Wait, you're from socal? We played in the tourney and you shit on me with Ezio lol. I never played against a Ezio player before. You should come to the Super Arcade tourneys.

btw, Super Arcade tourney this Saturday sponsored by Namco.
I hear Namco is REALLY bad at paying out the winners of their sponsored events... sooooooooo....have fun with that.
MLG made me realize that I have a decision to make

Either I keep playing SC and practice more and be the best in the world

Or I quit.

There is no middle ground for me. SC is not a game I enjoy playing casually.

Option 1 sounds more appealing to me right now, but I'm not so sure if its possible without like-minded local people to train with.

I saw Keev & Kayane (1st and 2nd place, respectively) training matchups and discussing strategies after Kayane had problems with a certain players Astaroth during casuals. I know for a fact that Chicago has several competitive minded players that help each other out and they whisper stuff in each others ears during matches.

Socal doesn't have that. I was rooting for king salmon and trying to give him tips to fight keev, but other than that there wasn't much going on. So it's a combination of things that I take personal responsibility for (not training nearly enough, etc) and things that we all need to work together on.
Talked a bit about this in person. I'll text you later- we can't be losing like this.

Also, if you hadn't noticed, WC pretty much eliminated each other in the tournament. Krayzie, one of our top representatives, had to fight me and then you. I had to fight signia in losers, Manta was taken out by Krayzie and I also had to fight Aris in losers. I don't know who Salmon lost to, but I heard it was a WC player? Anyways, shit was not in our favor, and on top of having to face each other, EC's top killers were there, along with some Frenchies. It was whack.

I wouldn't say we need coaching- but we need to level up quick. I'll be at EVO. Hit me up on PSN for some training. Also, fuck Viola- time to pick Cedric/Snort's brains.
thankfully its just sticks/games/etc. that they're giving us. im pretty sure super already has them.

I'm starting to think stiffing on prizes is a pattern for namco. Renzo was supposed to get an arcade stick for winning the SCV premier tournament in SF back in January. He still hasn't gotten it and apparently filthy rich just ignores his messages. Pretty shady stuff
Same here, , i was supposed to recieve an arcade stick also, i have nothing, so i guess i just have to insist with him, o well.
Let's just hope they do, in fact, have the sticks ready to hand out right then and there.
If not... prepare to be disappointed.
hmm. namco paid out the cash prizes for their comic con tt2 tourney last year ... I don't see a problem ?
I like where this thread has gone in 2 pages.

Man up time! Also because of the nature of tournies we need to be able to beat all our own and everyone elses just in case. The Violas didn't get through the maxis or folks who I wish would have played them... *raises hands* but they did show alot of pressure and I can't overlook the skill of the folks who won and lost with them. But if anything we all learned something this weekend. Namely alot of weaknesses. There will be no repeats cause it looks like folks are in do or die mode right now. (Prayers while @ MLG were answered) Though I hope we keep playing after EVO and be a region that travels and beats down folks after EVO.

Xeph I just saw you get off of PSN. If you see me hit me up online. Or anyone for that matter.


Do it!

I would like to the " Signia Ain't Free " Runback @ EVO personally. We need to hype this rivaly that has shaped to be up. Clock is ticking fellas!
spoken like someone who has been ripped off before, what happened?
Not at all!
FilthieRich had my Twitter Contest Viola Drawing price for me at SCR, which I am thankful for.
But I figured I'd let ya'll know the possibility of this sponsored event since other players have had a different experience.
Well, when I said "Namco sponsored" for the Super tourney, it just means a couple games, sticks, t-shirts, posters, that sorta thing. Aris said they already received it at Super. There is no confirmed prize pot or whatever. The EGP long beach tourney was also "Namco sponsored" and they just had a couple games that they had people play Nintendo Wii for.

Obviously, if you're talking $10K or a cabinet, it is going to take much longer for you to receive. Shauno I remember waited over a year to get his arcade cabinet from Namco for winning a E3 tourney back in the day and Chetchetty waited a while to get his cabinet and his prize money for T6 Nationals but they all received it in the end.
Well, when I said "Namco sponsored" for the Super tourney, it just means a couple games, sticks, t-shirts, posters, that sorta thing. Aris said they already received it at Super. There is no confirmed prize pot or whatever. The EGP long beach tourney was also "Namco sponsored" and they just had a couple games that they had people play Nintendo Wii for.

Their incentives should have been given out to people actually playing namco bandai's game and not everyone in attendance. That's just me being greedy. Real talk though, I would have had a dance off against Tommy for that Armored Core V.