[Southern California] Kings Of the Ant Hill

can anyone pick me up at LAX? i know it's out of the way but i'll pay for gas or lunch...whichever! PM me a number if you can! i arrive at 9:45am

I'm out of work at 1pm, wouldn't be able to make it to LAX til about 2-230. if you still need a ride around then, txt me and let me know early. 949 599 4067

if anyone else is playing today, then I wouldn't mind playing
eye opening event

west coast needs to level up before evo

MLG made me realize that I have a decision to make

Either I keep playing SC and practice more and be the best in the world

Or I quit.

There is no middle ground for me. SC is not a game I enjoy playing casually.

Option 1 sounds more appealing to me right now, but I'm not so sure if its possible without like-minded local people to train with.

I saw Keev & Kayane (1st and 2nd place, respectively) training matchups and discussing strategies after Kayane had problems with a certain players Astaroth during casuals. I know for a fact that Chicago has several competitive minded players that help each other out and they whisper stuff in each others ears during matches.

Socal doesn't have that. I was rooting for king salmon and trying to give him tips to fight keev, but other than that there wasn't much going on. So it's a combination of things that I take personal responsibility for (not training nearly enough, etc) and things that we all need to work together on.
you are absolutely right that we dont communicate much as a community, we just play each other twice a month at tourneys, and a random casual here or there, I think we truly need a central location where we can all go and practice at minimum once a week if not more, i would be glad to volunteer my place, but i dont know how comfortable it is for multiple people or how convenient it is as a location, personally I think a more central location in Orange County would be better, I was wondering if that Magic the Gathering card shop where they held the EGP tourney would be a good spot, what does everyone else think about a central location to play?

but ya, I am 100% with you man, I am going to dedicate really hard to sc5 this month, im even gonna lay off the smokes until after evo to help me stay sharp, I know that we can represent socal even better, you cant even spell soul calibur without socal
shoot. we should have a poll to see where people live or where they live near. maybe have a list of places that could host a gathering and see which one works the best. i for sure don't like paying money to get in some matches with other Soul Calibur players. i would like some casuals that's free from a serious competitive atmosphere.
Then Banes Crib it is for me. I learned alot but we need to practice out matchups when we can. Thats been our major downfall. We will not go down like this during EVO. Whether its just me solo repping or the SoCal army gets down on it and we beast. I enjoy the games so I doubt I'll quit, but its harder now of days for most of us seeing as we are older and stuff. Either way... it seems a fire was lit under us. I like that :) ETA for EVO <1 month. Lets get on this Ladies!
I expect to see all of Socal in matching jumpsuits for evo. Noface knows he'd have been just fine if his wardrobe coordination game was just a little tighter.