You know what really grinds my gears??

What cause? I have no "cause", nor am I protesting anything.

At first I thought this was just conversation but now I realize that all the "you's" and "your's" in your posts were there because you were deliberately talking about me? No?
What cause? I have no "cause", nor am I protesting anything.

At first I thought this was just conversation but now I realize that all the "you's" and "your's" in your posts were there because you were deliberately talking about me? No?

No. "You" in this discussion means "anyone guilty of the intended description". So, it's not me personally aiming at you. Unless you DO have a mundane cause regarding the complications of the naming of paint colours and over-complexities in the identification of different shades or something equally as trivial, in which case I WOULD then be talking about you personally.
*opens a bottle of Vanilla Coke* Ah America sometimes I hate you but you do have benefits *sips and spits it out* ACK!! Curse you Diabeeetuuus!!! *falls and foams at the mouth*

In all seriousness, I'm sick of my neighbors in front of my house blasting their music from their stupid cars at 3 a.m.! and God Forbid I say anything to them!
People who say "Viola isnt that good, you just have to learn the matchup, and block everything, and derpity derrrrrpppp herp"

I hate those guys.

I would be surprised to hear people say Viola isn't good, does that happen often? Apparently she so OP she getting banned over in France i believe
TOD combo? (The loop. It's not a place I reside presently.)

*opens a bottle of Vanilla Coke* Ah America sometimes I hate you but you do have benefits *sips and spits it out* ACK!! Curse you Diabeeetuuus!!! *falls and foams at the mouth*

Funny how 'diabetes' rhymes with 'karma' =|;}P
I hate to be taken seriously
I hate society
I hate the government overall
I hate Lady Gaga/Nicki Minaj/Rihanna etc
Slow internet

I really don't mean to pick on you/use you as an example....

But on facebook when someone says "My internet is slow, or I have slow internet", hold on....


think for a minute....


Is the internet really that slow....


Or is it your router/PC connection.....?

Also technically, we don't really own the internet, we just have access to it :D
