When/why did you decide to "git gud"?

Just kidding. I made it my personal mission to be better than DIME (which is not likely to happen) haha.
so off topic
I want to git gud so I can fucking destroy blueboy. Instead this is how I feel when I play him

I didn't know SC3 or SC4 existed until 2010, I was looking up Talim combos for SC2 on youtube and then bam I saw some tournament footage of Cassandra vs somebody else and I wanted to play like that so bought a ps3 a little while later and got sc4.

I was really behind, but I'm not good at all I will forever be trash at this game.
Food for thought:

It doesn't matter how good you got because people out there will always say you suck... You just have to feel confident at your skill level and in the opponents skill level that you can beat.

Hell, people said Daigo sucked as Ryu, and he won StreetFighter EVO 2010 and EVO 2011 back to back. =P
I'm just sad poor Mitsu was your dark ages. I feel responsible!

It's not your fault. I mean, Mr. Roogi is a nice guy and he and I got along great but... He and I just aren't meant to be.

You're right, really. I can't say it much matters how anyone feels about your own skills or abilities. For me, the only thing that matters - whether I win or lose - is that I am a little better than I was before.
Not making claims on the core premise here, but...

I got slapped by better players on Xband which prompted me to read Slasher Quan's SSF2 guidebook. I gotta tell you, people HATE tick throws and teleporting Dhalsim gimmicks in SSF2. (Jab fireball to unbreakable throw while you were locked in block stun FTW.) That opened the window to scrubby excuses and scrub rules which I'd never really encountered before. (I kinda just floundered around with basic fireball srk zoning in SF up to that point so nobody had cause to call me out.) I developed a dislike of pussy footing around random rules there.

Then the arcade games Usenet group exposed me to the whole anything to win mindset and if people are blubbery babies about what's said here, they really gotta go back and read some of those archives.

Finally, reading those Domination 101 SRK articles make me insufferable for several years.

As for getting good, I've never really had the resources for that. It used to involve travel and playing a lot of people spread all over the place plus time sunk into practice mode, hitting local gatherings etc. It's easier now with YouTube and online play etc, but eh. Comes down to time, and the time I have I'd rather just play something vs grind.

I'm down for encouraging others like PW and IRM and Blue though.
I never got gud because I consider "competitive" gaming to be utterly retarded. In fact I don't even play multiplayer anymore. SCIV is basically dead and in SCV, everyone plays the same fucking characters (Natsu, Maxi and Mitsurugi). I have neither the time nor the will to spend any amount of time trying to improve myself at a videogame, and quite frankly if I have to practice to get any enjoyment out of a game then I don't play that game.