When/why did you decide to "git gud"?

I was good before I started playing soul calibur because I was seasoning myself with tekken thus being god in soul caliburs core mechanics (Poking-Punishing-Just frames (Tira mainer)) and from there improving even moreso but my grammar needs more improving than anything else
Ok heres my story. I started playing soul calibur original at the arcade when i was younger. It caught my eye because it was not 2d like almost every fighting game i had played before. I would just piddle around with nightmare and win a few matches against the CPU here and there whatever. Then i found SC2 on the gamecube and played it very casually with my bros at home. Really liked the game then it had won my heart but i still played it casually as i was more into PC gaming at that point dota counterstrike and RPGs mostly.

Flash forward to SCIV. I played III casually here and there but didn't like it too much and i was in and out of jail a lot at that point in my life. So I was shit and giggles happy when i heard there was a soul calibur game where i could fight people online. I hopped on and actually started maining in ranked with astaroth. I knew some basics with him but my bread and butter was 6k 2b+k A+G that pickup grab shit. and 22b air bombs. After realizing i wasnt that good after heading to player matches and learning that that is where the good players actually are. I decided to try and get gud as you say but wasnt super serious about it.

Well i picked to main yoshi because i liked he had a ton of moves that were able to mix up and blah blah. So i started kicking some butt with yoshi. But then I entered a room with long grange and we kindled a friendship i guess you could say. A lot of good players enter his room so i always had someone to challenge me and i ended up losing so much. Then he told me go to 8wr look up moves n shit. I improved drastically i thought and started doing real good could hold my own at least. But my gud moment was when krayziecd came in and spanked me with every character in the game 30-0. I realized then I didnt know shit and vowed to work hard. I hit training with everything i got and got to a level with yoshimitsu in 4 that i felt good with like i was in the top 10 of yoshi's. I became a master of iron fist possession to the point where i started to see people copy my shit and all that. Then i kind of just fell off the map after awhile.

Flash forward years later about 6 months ago i say hey sc5 exists? Let me get that. I cringed at what they did to yoshi but continued on with him. I had a terrible learning curve because i was so used to 4 and everyone had been playing 5 for years. So any tricks i thought were good people had seen 100 times and were spanking me lovely. But enough rambling My get gud moment actually happened last night. Xeph wanted to play i said hell yea i need some beatdowns to get better. about the 4th or 5th time we've played and i thought i had improved enough to win against him now. Nope.. another 0-20 session and my yoshi was shutdown i got rounds in here and there but never the important one for the win. SO last night i have decided to get gud and molest all of 8wr with yoshimitsu and to learn all the other mechanics of soul calibur so i can just guard every single attack in a round like xeph does...

sorry for wall of text i dont post much.

xeph raped me last night so now i want to rape all of 8wr with yoshi.
Good to know Xeph is still inspiring people with rape! Anytime you wanna try and molest me psn is fukou_da
I joined small Community and convention tournaments during the Soul Calibur 3 era for the first time 2007 (even though 2 was my first game). I liked the rush of adrenaline and i felt that i wanted to keep doing this so i decided to train and play as much as i had time to. When 4 came out, i started to main Hilde after i bought my first arcade stick and i started, since then, play other fighting games and join other community's and tournaments like Tekken, Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, KoF, Arcana Heart, Skull Girls and so on.
@TheMadBonger and I go back to SCIV days, like, before I knew what the FGC was. I was surprised to see this dude in a lobby because, like, wtf, I haven't seen him in years? was crazy.

I got hella good when I met @KrayzieCD online in SCIV. He told me about 8wayrun, and told me about offline ish. Also, Krayzie used to go 20-0 for daaaaaaaays.