SDCC SoulCalibur Talk Summary

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As most of you probably know by now, the "BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Fighting Games 2016" panel has recently taken place at San Diego Comic-Con. There was no stream for this event, but thanks to Twitter we have some information about what was discussed. Below you can see the tweets from a twitter user who was present at the event.

I currently have no other details from this panel, but if you were present at the event, then feel free to post in the comments and I will add it to the OP. The takeaway is that if you want a new SoulCalibur, then you should make sure to spam the SoulCalibur Facebook group to express your interest.

SoulCalibur Facebook:
Michael Stabile

Michael Stabile

Oh, I didn't realize that Facebook used "@"
Yeah... Makes you wonder where they got that idea from

... Yup... i was right in keeping my expectations low. I expected nothing and i'm still dissapointed. It really fucks with my mind, i mean... why would they go through all of this with the facebook stuff and all the news about that they were gonna discuss Soul Calibur when all that they're gonna say is: Oh yeah! Soul Calibur turned 20... isn't that great?! Anyway, about Tekken...

Now we have to beg for a new Soul Calibur like a dog beging for scraps?! ... no... i refuse. I'm so pissed... my fucking head hurts. I can't, i just can't... i need to play Overwatch or something...
So... lets see if I got this right: they're asking us to beg for SC on Twitter? Didn't we beg enough when they screwed SCV and made the crap that was SCLS?
Not sure what this talk of "begging" is about.

1. You aren't entitled to anything. It's entirely their prerogative to make another game or not.

2. They're hardly asking you to "beg". They've rather clearly already decided to make a new game, or else they wouldn't have done this whole 20th anniversary stuff. They're only asking people to spam the social media to draw attention to the series. It's a marketing ploy.
Well hell, the series needs attention. I'm game.

I suspect we'll see something (an actual something) closer to the end of these Facebook "activities". This comic-con thing seemed to be at odds with the timing of the Facebook page's revival. They'll lead us along to some event like TGS, Gamescom, Paris Games Week, PSX, or maybe even something beyond those. That's when they'll strike with the big one:

Lost Swords Remastered.

Going to start myself in a moment, Wolf... AGAIN...

Well hell, the series needs attention. I'm game...
Word to that!

SEGA ignoring its older fanbase with Virtua Fighter and now Namco ignoring another part of its fanbase with Soul Calibur...Sad.

About that disappointment with the two companies...

Answer: VFvT: Tag Tournament -- Kappa OR ... NO Kappa...
... you decide.
I don't have an answer for Calibur.
I've seen shitty PR. REALLY zhitty PR. But this... This is so Bamco-like I'm barely surprised.

"We've been ignoring you for years, never answering and dodging everything related to the thing you've all been asking. But now, we want you to beg like there's no tomorrow. C'mon, kneel, beg, obey."

You know what Bamco? Go eat some dirt and take your bloody game with you, I don't want Soulcalibur anymore. It's far too late.

Within some weeks, they'll go all "Ok since you have asked, Soulcalibur is back!" but they just want to see the community get humiliated.
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Not sure what this talk of "begging" is about.

1. You aren't entitled to anything. It's entirely their prerogative to make another game or not.

2. They're hardly asking you to "beg". They've rather clearly already decided to make a new game, or else they wouldn't have done this whole 20th anniversary stuff. They're only asking people to spam the social media to draw attention to the series. It's a marketing ploy.
Oh, really? Then why exactly do you say about them having the balls to ask us to "spread the name" when thats all the fanbase has done ever since the crap that was SCLS? They're asking people to do what they were already doing.

Well hell, the series needs attention. I'm game.

I suspect we'll see something (an actual something) closer to the end of these Facebook "activities". This comic-con thing seemed to be at odds with the timing of the Facebook page's revival. They'll lead us along to some event like TGS, Gamescom, Paris Games Week, PSX, or maybe even something beyond those. That's when they'll strike with the big one:

Lost Swords Remastered.

Its a problem though, that we can't even predict when that thing on the Facebook will end. Siegfried VS Z.W.E.I. took only a day, then they skipped a few days to Taki VS Natsu, but a day has already passed and the results weren't revealed. Also, SCLS Revamped wouldn't be a problem if they made it as a game, not a cash grab.
they're already working on the new game but its a little bit baffling when they want us to tweet them on the facebook as if that'll create some magical hype

Plus tweeting on Facebook is impossible. And you can't even post onto their page outside of the comments sections of the things that they themselves post.
they're already working on the new game but its a little bit baffling when they want us to tweet them on the facebook as if that'll create some magical hype
Of course they're working on the game, they just want us to beg and then they'll go all like "we've heard your prayers and here's the messiah" (while the game has been in the work for months, if not years) to appear as a wonderful company that listens to their customers.

While I should be happy one of my favourite game is being worked on, I can't help feeling disgust. They're treating us like pariahs, teasing us "you want SC? Be patient, you'll hear from it soon" *1 year later* "We're announcing something for SC 20th anniversary: SC is 20 years old! Now back to Tekken"... I really don't understand the logic (if there's any) behind all this.

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