Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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I think the best way to look at RE's right now are auto GI vertical attacks with 30+ frames of startup, no tracking, but are essentially unblockables that lead into something of a rock/paper/scissors scenario, so they don't guarantee any damage (unless the initial attack lands). I haven't been paying much attention to sophi, but mitsu has a ton of way to counter RE's, for example, any string that can transition into relic B will be a hard counter against a RE since relic B is both a sidestepping attack and a GB.
I am a bit worried about combos being even shorter than sc4 though, based off of mitsu who has lost his relic [A], mist 6, 11B[A], and the splat after his A+B6 (kicks you off his sword move), it would appear his combo potential has decreased from sc4. So, it is even more disappointing that soul charge is unlikely to be something we can combo into due to its stupid activation hitbox. I'm trying to figure out what exactly the developers are going for based off of what is different about this mitsu, and from what I can see, his combos will most likely be shorter than in sc4/5 and his low/mid mixup game has been nerfed (2KB and mist KB are no longer natural combos and he lost his low kick from relic), although he has a new low, unless it's safe on block, it's a downgrade from the traditional 2KB. Without knowing frame data I can't really say if they're going for a game that revolves more around frame traps and poking instead of 50/50's and big combos but it seems likely.

Please ignore this if non-technical speak annoys you bc idk what I'm talking about but if Soul Charge always guarantees a stun, couldn't you use a stun attack chain (idk Mitsu's movelist so I can't name any), follow up with a couple of pokes, then activate Soul Charge, then a launcher, then his lethal hit move, then regular AA pokes, then finish the combo with that move where he stabs the ground before doing a roll tackle?
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Okaaayy .. aha so I'll try my best , so here we go :

"We have to keep in mind that SC6's development is far from being done and that the team in charge of it's gestation - leaded by director Yoshiyuki Takahashi and producer Motohiro Okubo -still working on Tekken 7- still keeps surprises. The number of playable characters (the number of empty slots around Mitsurugi and Sophitia wasn't representative according Bandai Namco), character creation's possibilities and customization, the story mode or online options are still in construction until next order".
I need a big roster. =)
bringback muh Hilde.
:O ...
I thought we are getting slowly warm together ...
For some :1:+:A: and :2:+ :B: to :A:+:G:,:A:+:B:+:K:...
I thought you gonna be my :1:+:K: and i would bring you :bK:
(Ivy moveset sc5)

Omg I wish I knew what this means but I don't play Ivy post SCII and even then I only did it blind.
Taki is avenger of the love for her master.
Taki's master was alive for most of the series and she was trying to cure him. She also never went after any character- or even Soul Edge for revenge, but to remove the threat it posed.

Sophitia is an avenger of the love for her children.
Are her children dead? Is she trying to take revenge for harm done to them? No. She's out to protect them. She's not an avenger.

Siegfried is an avenger of the love for his father.
Actually correct, even if Siegfried is a complete loon.

Hilde is an avenger of the love for her father and kingdom.
Hilde is out to stop Soul edge to save her kingdom, not to avenge it.

Yoshimitsu is an avenger of the love for his clan.
Correct. Or rather, he was for the first game he was in at least.

Algol is an avenger of the love for his son.
Algol's goals have nothing to do with his son. He's a conqueror and is out for conquest.

Patroklos is an avenger of the love for his sister.
Patroklos was out to avenge his mother and rescue his sister.
But yeah, he's an avenger.

Setsuka is an avenger of the love for her master.
Setsuka's love for her master was romantic.

Raphael is an avenger of the love for his adopted daughter
Raphael is not out to take revenge on anything, just to change the world.

Maxi is an avenger of the love for his pirate company.
And his sworn brother. He's the only one with a brother to avenge.

We have lots of avengers for love

We have only 5 avengers:
Setsuka(Romantic love)
Maxi(Brother- and crew)
The closest we have to a sixth is Cassandra.

but to my knowledge none of them are avengers of romantic love. Why not change Maxi's motivation to romantic love?
Because we do have romantic love but not brotherly love?

His initial one is pretty similar to Yoshi's anyway, albeit less convincing.
His is just as convincing due to the sworn brother(and again, sworn brother is actually more convincing than the lover suggestion due to the time period).

I feel I need to reiterate that I'd have no issue with Maxi being confirmed to be gay somehow, that's not my problem. I just don't want them to turn his brother (even if not blood-related) into a lover.
if reversal edges come out as often as we're seeing now, you bet my ass is back dashing out of every single one cause I hate slowmo 50/50s.
also GIs are just 6G to cover high/mid/low & throws? :(
I have a good news !

A french magazine called "Gamekult" reviewed the demo and according to Namco, the character selection screen isn't final and not representative of the finale roster.

Sources ->

"Il faut néanmoins garder en tête que son développement est encore loin d'être fini et que l'équipe en charge de sa gestation - menée par le réalisateur Yoshiyuki Takahashi et le producteur Motohiro Okubo déjà à l'oeuvre sur Tekken 7 - garde des surprises sous le coude. Le nombre de personnages jouables (le compte d'emplacements vides autour de Mitsurugi et Sophitia n'était pas représentatif selon Bandai Namco), les possibilités de création / personnalisation des combattant.e.s, le déroulement du mode Histoire ou les options de jeu en ligne restent en chantier jusqu'à nouvel ordre."

(I can translate if you want, for non-french readers)
It's good that that was addressed already. Now we can look for something else to worry about
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So very true. Topic's probably changed a good 50-100 times in the last 200+ pages since the leaks began and I started paying attention again alone. And a few changes of topic in those sub-topics. Chaos everywhere and it's glorious.
So true :D
It's nice that roster's shape is actually not final, if it was really just 20 characters (16, if you take away the guest, the mimic and random/custom slots) then I'd wait for 1-2 years more to buy the complete edition (or just a big sale to buy it dirt-cheap).
If roster is not final and, while being at 70% completion - they still haven't finished their work on anything - it's a sign that game could be quite rich in content, which is great (now I'm again considering pre-ordering deluxe, once we know much more).
As for Maxi - I don't care for him (always found his playstyle annoying both for use and for dealing with), neither his personality (which I never found all that interesting or likable), but this discussion above about Romance of The Three Kingdoms and SC characters' motivations is quite interesting to read.
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